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20040927: converting WRF grib output to GEMPAK
- Subject: 20040927: converting WRF grib output to GEMPAK
- Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 17:23:07 -0600
The vcrdgrib1.tbl provides for the ETA level and Layer coordinate.
Your output below: WMO parameter table to wmogrib200.tbl
shows that your grib is using parameters in table 200.
This is not a table that exists in the current NCEP grib
documentation so you will have to create that table for parameters 1-127,
as well as the local (xxxxgrib200.tbl) file for parameters 128-255.
What model center is being used? The model center number will have to
be defined in cntrgrib1.tbl (if you aren't using an existing number),
and that will define the string used for your local table name.
Without those tables, you wont have any defined parameters to decode,
so you won't have anything in your output file..
Steve Chiswell
>From: Michael Brennan <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200409271712.i8RHC5nJ025022
>I've been able to get WRF model output in grib format by using an grib
>output module from Todd Hutchinson at WSI. I'd like to try and convert
>the grib files to GEMPAK. However, the WRF output is in the WRF's "Eta"
>vertical coordinate, and I think that trips up dcgrib2. I don't get an
>error message when I run dcgrib2, but the GEMPAK file doesn't get created.
>[mjbrenna@compute-2-35 mjbrenna]$ dcgrib2 wrf_test.gem < wrfout.grb
> Changing center table to cntrgrib1.tbl
> Changing vertical coord table to vcrdgrib1.tbl
> Changing WMO parameter table to wmogrib200.tbl
>Do you have any thoughts or suggestions?
>Michael J. Brennan
>Graduate Research Assistant
>Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
>North Carolina State University
>Email: address@hidden
>Phone: (919) 515-1447
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