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20040913: Gempak - Gempak: GDBIINT program
- Subject: 20040913: Gempak - Gempak: GDBIINT program
- Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 13:17:37 -0600
I was able to run the gdcfil with the 1/4x1/4 degree ced area you showed,
and then run gdbiint and display the resultant plots on both SGI and Linux
(Fedora Core1) for RUC2 data on grid 236.
Your message below did not come through with attachments of your data
so if you can send that, I'll see if I can identify any differences.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support.
>From: "Robert Rabin" <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200409131939.i8DJdGWU028174
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Institution: NOAA/NSSL and CIMSS/SSEC
>Package Version: gempak_upc5.7.2p2_linux.tar
>Operating System: Linux Redhat Enterprise WS
>Hardware Information: Dell Intel workstation
>Inquiry: Dear Support,
>I am having some problems with the program "gdbiint.f"
>on my Dell workstation running Linux Redhat Enterprise WS.
>I have installed the binary distribution of Gempak:
>I have been using the steps listed below to interpolate
>a grid file with projection 236 to a "CED" projection grid. The routine works
> fine when I run it on an SGI. However
>on the Linux system, the output file from gdbiint (sfc_ced) seems unreadable.
> When gdinfo or gdlist are run on this output grid file, no grids are found (t
> he file size is the same as the one produced on the SGI).
>I am attaching the following three files to help diagnose the problem:
>1. sfc_in (Input file with variables on grid type 236.
>2. sfc_ced (output from gdbiint run on SGI).
>3. sfc_ced2 (output from gdbiint run on Linux machine)
>-Bob Rabin
>1. Create new grid with CED projection:
> GDOUTF Output grid file sfc_ced
> PROJ Map projection/angles/margins|dr ced
> GRDAREA Area covered by grid 20;-130;70;-60
> KXKY Number of grid points in x;y #.25;.25
> MAXGRD Maximum number of grids
> CPYFIL Grid file whose navigation is to
> ANLYSS Grid analysis block
>2. Interpolate existing grid to new grid:
>GDFILE sfc_in
>GDOUTF sfc_ced
>GVCORD none
>message from gdbiint:
>Building interpolation array for 281 columns 201 rows
>Input grid files contains 272 grids
>Interpolating MELT 040903/1400 0 -1 NONE
>3. List new grid to file:
>GDFILE sfc_ced
>GVCORD none
>OUTPUT f/filename
>Content-Type: application/octet-stream
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
>Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="sfc_ced_in"
>Content-Type: application/octet-stream
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
>Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="sfc_ced"
>Content-Type: application/octet-stream
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
>Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="sfc_ced2"
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