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20040714: problem of Radar data
- Subject: 20040714: problem of Radar data
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 13:17:51 -0600
The radar files I provide in the FNEXRAD data feed for RADAR in
png compressed GINI format are processed using the FNEXRAD action
as shown in $NAWIPS/ldm/etc/templates/pqact.gempak_images as:
# FNEXRAD Composite RADAR products
# png compressed 1km radar GINI format
FNEXRAD ^rad/NEXRCOMP/(...)/(...)_(........)_(....)
FILE -close data/gempak/images/sat/NEXRCOMP/\1/\2/\2_\3_\4
GEMPAK will display these products in their native format. This
includes the 1km national reflectivity mosaic, the 2km 1 hour precip
mosaic, and the 4km storm total precip mosaic. These are the files you should
be placing in the NEXRCOMP directory for GEMPAK.
The files you mention below are the McIDAS AREA files that Tom yoksas is
creating from the gridded products I provide in FNEXRAD. You will have to
process these with the ldm-mcidas decoder pnga2area. You can place these in the
NEXRCOMP directory if you use the correct GEMPAK naming conventions like:
But in general, the GINI files I mentioned above would be smaller, and higher
resolution than the 6km and 10km products.
Alternatively, the GEMPAK actions I provide will decode the 6km and 10km grib
products into grid files for use in GEMPAK.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
>From: address@hidden
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200407141841.i6EIfAaW003933
>Hi Steve,
>Thanks for your help the other day, I can now display surface and upperair dat
> a successfully.
>Now I met problem on radar data ( FNEXRAD section)
>The frist question is, can Garp display these data (PNG compressed FNEXRAD ima
> ge (AREA) files
>and PNG compressed FNEXRAD image (GINI) files)? If yes, below is the problem
> I met.
>Every time I open Garp , and select NEXRCOMP from "Data Source", the "Data Sca
> le" will show three items like: 10KRCM-NAT, 1KNOR-FLT, 6KNOR-NAT ( these are
> working OK).
>But when clicking 10KRCM-NAT, the "Product Type" will show dozens of items lik
> e BREF_20040713_1449 (they are actually the file names, right?) The "Availab
> le Times" is always blank so no item can be chosen.
>Things get worse when I click 1KNOR-FLT or 6KNOR-NAT, the program will crash w
> ith the error message like " Segmentation fault (core dumped)"
>I think I did receive these data. So can you figure out the problem?
>Thanks and have a good day,
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