What version of GEMPAK are you running?
The gdfile line length is 128 characters, so if you
exceed that, you would be out of luck. Then I would suggest making
symbolic links from the full names to filea and fileb like you
Another way would be to use the template feature such that you could say
gdfile = ruc2|yymmdd/hhnn+ruc2|yymmdd/hhmm
Any and all should work (comparing against the current version of 5.7.2)
I used (excerpted for relevant parameters here):
GDFILE = ruc2|040609/1800+ruc2|040609/1900
GDATTIM = f000
GLEVEL = 500
GVCORD = pres
GDPFUN = hght^040609/1900f000+2 ! hght^040609/1800f000+1
TYPE = c
CINT = 60
LINE = 6 ! 5
TITLE = 1/-1 ! 1/-2
The above plots the 500mb hghts using the file+1 and file+2 which you
would need if you wanted to use fields from either in a computation
such as:
GDPFUN = sub(hght^040609/1900f000+2,hght^040609/1800f000+1)
You can also suceed with the following if you are not requesting
fields from both files in one computation:
GDFILE = ruc2|040609/1800 ! ruc2|040609/1900
GDPFUN = hght ! hght
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support