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20040416: 20040416: 20040323: gpmap in pqact?

>From: Gerry Creager <address@hidden>
>Organization: AATLT - Texas A&M University
>Keywords: 200404162113.i3GLDMCT014216

>Sorry 'bout that, since I sent the e-mail, one of my grad students 
>undertook updating PHP and Apache on bigfoot, so we can get Mapserver 
>(GIS web-mapping) alive and ready for some backup of the Iowa 
>Environmental Mesonet...
>I thought I'd tried ucar_logo.gif, but I'll re-try it.


I meant that there is nothing in the source code that has anything to do with 
the name ucar_logo.gif, so the statement in the README file by Peter Neilley is
not valid here.

Steve Chiswell

>Thanks, Gerry
>Unidata Support wrote:
>> Gerry,
>> No ucar_logo.gif reference is in the source code...that is apparently an old
>> remnant of a Peter Neilly specific code mod.
>> FYI, bigfoot refuses my outside connection.
>> Steve Chiswell
>> Unidata User Support
>>>From: Gerry Creager <address@hidden>
>>>Organization: AATLT - Texas A&M University
>>>Keywords: 200404161858.i3GIwICT014070
>>>OK.  Mostly working, although I may be taking the hard path.  If you're 
>>>interested, a preliminary site is up at http://bigfoot.tamu.edu/radmap
>>>Question: The docs imply that putting a GIF with a logo in it in the 
>>>working directory will result in that being inserted in the image.  I've 
>>>tried, and failed.  Is there an incantation, or a chicken I'm missing?
>>>Now for watches and warning on http://mesonet.tamu.edu/currentwx.html
>>>Steve Chiswell wrote:
>>>>see the README file in $GEMPAK/source/contrib/tdl/radmap
>>>>(you can ignore info on compiling since that is part
>>>>of the GEMPAK build).
>>>>Also info in the archives such as:
> 4
>>>>>From a web cgi, I run a script that takes the user input for the station
>>>>selected, finds the most recent radar file for that site, and then runs
>>>>radmap_sw -s {input radar file} {output_file} {titlestring}
>>>>The output file is a unique temporary file name, and once the file is
>>>>created, it is catted to the browser with the
>>>>imagetype/gif and size and then removed, so that these files don't 
>>>>build up and let web users cause space problems.
>>>>Steve Chiswell
>>>>Unidata User Support
>>>>On Wed, 2004-03-24 at 06:05, Gerry Creager N5JXS wrote:
>>>>>Looks like I'm unable to find the instructions on using radmap_sw as a 
>>>>>cgi program.  Is there a ready pointer to documentation?
>>>>>If not, I can try to slog thru it tomorrow or Fri.
>>>>>Steve Chiswell wrote:
>>>>>>As has already been pointed out, I did post a script for EXEC from pqact
>>>>>>that employs a load balancing file lock that allows one process at a
>>>>>>time. It will get the job done, and will protect against falling
>>>>>>behind of restart from an outage or queue remake.
>>>>>>I'd recommend against piping to a script for generation directly since
>>>>>>when you first start up an LDM with an empty queue, you will get a slug
>>>>>>of 1 hour's worth of NEXRAD products in short sequence. You would either
>>>>>>have several hundred instances of a generation script running, or
>>>>>>several hundred scripts waiting for PIPE input. The EXEC action
>>>>>>following the FILE action allows you to separate the generation action.
>>>>>>It also allows you to control your logic for scenarios when generation
>>>>>>may be falling behind.
>>>>>>Other alternatives are:
>>>>>>1) Use the 1km radar mosaic GINI and create regional sectors which are 
>>>>>>fewer than the number of NEXRAD sites (eg from SECTOR or GPMAP).
>>>>>>2) Use a cgi type of web script for on demand access (which may
>>>>>>eliminate the need to draw lots of boring images at the expense of
>>>>>>drawing some multiple times). An example using the radmap_sw gempak
>>>>>>program is available at:
>>>>>>The cgi for the above will create the gif file, and then cat it to the
>>>>>>browser using an image/gif type for the page.
>>>>>>Steve Chiswell
>>>>>>On Mon, 2004-03-22 at 20:57, Gerry Creager N5JXS wrote:
>>>>>>>Is there any way to pipe the incoming nexrad Level III data to gpmap in 
>>>>>>>pqact, if one is doing individual sites, so that a system isn't taken to
>>>>>>>its knees every time a cron job fires that looks at every site?
>>>>>>>Seems that if we could pipe it, we could spread out the load.  Or, am I 
>>>>>>>missing something fundamental?
>>>Gerry Creager -- address@hidden
>>>Texas Mesonet -- AATLT, Texas A&M University 
>>>Cell: 979.229.5301 Office: 979.458.4020
>>>FAX:  979.847.8578 Pager:  979.228.0173
>>>Office: 903A Eller Bldg, TAMU, College Station, TX 77843
>> --
>> ****************************************************************************
>> Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
>> (303)497-8643                                                  P.O. Box 3000
>> address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Unidata WWW Service              http://my.unidata.ucar.edu/content/support 
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>> Unidata inquiry tracking system and then made publically available
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>> available in this way, you must let us know in each email you send to us.
>Gerry Creager -- address@hidden
>Network Engineering -- AATLT, Texas A&M University     
>Cell: 979.229.5301 Office: 979.458.4020
>FAX:  979.847.8578 Pager:  979.228.0173
>Office: 903A Eller Bldg, TAMU, College Station, TX 77843
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