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20040413: Vietnam and GEMPAK GRIB decoding (cont.)
- Subject: 20040413: Vietnam and GEMPAK GRIB decoding (cont.)
- Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 08:26:39 -0600
>From: Mai Nguyen <address@hidden>
>Organization: National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting of Vietnam
>Keywords: 200312020023.hB20N4p2027742 IDD LDM Linux GEMPAK
Hi Mai,
>Thank you and Chiz for working on my problems!
No worries.
>I've tried to reproduce your "technique" but got stuck
>at the 4th step:
>> 3) here are examples of report segments we don'
>> understand:
>> 722030024004AAXX48/8622000022001M048/86 ...
>> 402020028004AAXX4800402000002004K048004 ...
>> 422030010004AAXX4800822000022004K048008 ...
>> 614030056004AAXX4801014000014004K048010 ...
>> etc.
>Yes, that part has been added in our system for some
OK. They have to be stripped out for the GEMPAK decoder to
>> Also, some of the apparent station IDs are
>> suspect. Here
>> are a couple of examples:
>> 48/89
>> 48/93
>Those are correct IDs for our "national" stations. I
>have put the station index file in
It is is not legal to have a '/' character as part of a
station ID. The GEMPAK decoder assumes that the '/' is a
missing value. The decoder is expecting a valid WMO
station ID number, and those are composed of 5 digits.
>I guess I will have
>to add the extra file to some sfstns.tbl for dclsfc to
>look at while decoding. But I couln't find the
>appropriate *.tbl file in $GEMTBL. Do you know which
>table that will be "exactly" read by dclsfc?
Chiz will have to answer this one.
>> 4) next, add appropriate headers to make the file
>> contents look
>> like a WMO bulletin:
>> ^A^M^M
> 999
>> AAXX 22004
>> ... <- stripped file contents from
>> steps above
>> ^M^M
>> ^C
>> \r)
>> '999' -> broadcast sequence number
>> 'AAXX 22004' -> AAXX type followed by
>> DDHHn
>> DD -> day
>> HH -> hour
>> n -> type of unit (see
>> info for FM-12 from WMO)
>> '^M^M' -> CTRL-M CTRL-M (\r \r)
>> '^C' -> CTRL-C (ETX)
>How do I add CTRL-M , etc. to the text file?. Simply
>adding '^M' doesn't work.
There are many ways that these sequences can be created.
I used 'vi' and typed them in. For your convenience,
I created two additional files 'begin' and 'end'
and put them in the /tmp directory on met_research3.
'begin' needs to be edited to set the day and time of the
observations; the current AAXX line reads:
AAXX 22004
So, another couple of steps need to be added to the
sequence to do the conversion:
cp ~ldm/VNdata/SYNOP/AAXX00 /tmp
dos2unix AAXX00
cat AAXX00 | sed 's/= */=\n/g' > AAXX00.1
cat AAXX00.1 | tr -d '\000' > AAXX00.2
cat begin | sed 's/AAXX 22004/AAXX 13004/' > AAXX00.3
cat AAXX00.2 | sed 's/^.*AAXX..................//' >> AAXX00.3
cat end >> AAXX00.3
source ~gempak/NAWIPS/Gemenviron
cat AAXX00.3 | dclsfc -v 4 -d - -c 040322/0000 YYYYMMDD_syn.gem
You need to replace 13004 with the ddhh4 that is appropriate:
dd -> two digit day number
hh -> two digit hour number
13004 -> day 13, time 00 UTC
13064 -> day 13, time 06 UTC
14124 -> day 14, time 12 UTC
You also need to specify the correct year, month, day, hour,
and minute in the dclsfc invocation. The match for 13004 would
be 040413/0000, etc.
AAXX00 -> copy of original file converted from DOS to Unix format
AAXX00.1 -> added line breaks between reports
AAXX00.2 -> strip out bogus (nil) characters
AAXX00.3 -> contains header, stripped out portions of reports that
do not follow FM-12, and trailer
20040322_syn.gem -> resultant file of decoded obs
>Maybe that's the reason that makes my dclsfc call
Probably yes.
>Thank you as always and wish you a good week!
You too.
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