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20040225: GEMPAK support
- Subject: 20040225: GEMPAK support
- Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2004 14:19:44 -0700
I have no luck getting through your switchboard for a phone call.
I terms of looking at a model grid, you can either
use a command line program like gdcntr, gdwind, gdplot2 etc to
plot the data with the most control over the resultant output fields,
specifying your grid file in the GDFILE parameter -
or, to use within a gui, such as nmap2 or Garp, you will have to place the
file in a location using the specified file naming conventions such that the gui
can identify the file.
Typically for model data in Garp, you must define an environmental variable
HDS (which would normally be done in the Gemenviron script). Say your
files will reside in a directory called /data/gempak/model. In that case,
you would edit the MODEL and HDS variables in Gemenviron to be
/data/gempak/model (GEMDATA would be defined to be /data/gempak).
Then, you must name your files using the convention that the name is
the date/time and model/grid information so that Garp can find the file.
If you have ETA grid 211 model data decoded into a GEMPAK file,
then you would place this in $HDS/yyyymmddhh_eta211.gem.
When your source Gemenviron, the variable HDS will be set, then you can run
garp from your csh environment and Garp will locate the file.
The file names that Garp will identify are defined in
$GARPHOME/config/Garp_defaults in the modelkeys and modellabels variables.
If you have a data set not already in the list that you want to make available,
such as mm5 output, then you might call this file $HDS/yyyymmddhh_mm5.gem,
and then edit the Garp_defaults/modelkeys line to include mm5,
and the modellabels to include a string MM5. The modellabel is
what will be presented in the model data widget in garp. When you click on
the "MM5" label, it will look for files in the $HDS directory with
the modelkey "mm5" string in the file. The available files will be
added to the data selection widget. If you define new modelkeys, then
you will also want to follow the tutorial information
on Garp to define fdf's for the new data sets.
Steve Chiswell
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