I would need a copy of the data file you have.
If the data files is a multi-banded image, you would need to
separate the different images in to separate files.
Steve Chiswell
From: Luis M Farfan <address@hidden>
Organization: CICESE - BCS
Keywords: 200306112144.h5BLirLd029229
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this note is to request assistance to find a way to display GOES-10
(1-km resolution) imagery with the GEMPAK package.
I received imagery from SSEC in Wisconsin and I was told that they
are in the standard McIDAS AREA file format. Programs from the
GEMPAK package, as well as GARP, are used to display it and all what
I get is patterns of noise. Attached is an example of ths output.
Normally, I use GEMPAK/GARP to display the satellite imagery
>from the Unidata-Wisconsin data stream. However, this is the first
time I attempt to display imagery from other sources within SSEC.
Are you able to provide assistance on this case?
Thanks, Luis M Farfan.