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20040203: MM5 Decoder
- Subject: 20040203: MM5 Decoder
- Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 13:51:52 -0700
Various web sites posting MM5 output in GEMPAK format reference
David Ovens of the University of Washington Atmospheric Science
department for providing an MM5to GEMPAK converter, eg:
Don Schleede of SUNY-Brockport wrote such a program years ago,
but I do not know of his current whereabouts.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
>From: "Saiful Ahsan" <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200402031703.i13H3xp1024680
>I am a Graduate Student at Edinboro University and currently working with
>your program GEMPAK. I have some MM5 data which I want to convert into
>GEMPAK data. Do you know any way I can do it or do you already have any
>decoder built-in inside the GEMPAK program? If you can let me know anything
>about it will be a great help. Looking forward for your reply.
>Thanking you
>Saiful Ahsan
>Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
>Math/Computer Science Dept.
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