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20030724: printing the ps file "myfile" i created
- Subject: 20030724: printing the ps file "myfile" i created
- Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 13:16:10 -0600
Use the OUTPUT parameter in SNLIST with OUTPUT=f/myfile.
Then just open the resultant file into your document.
Your sysm administrator would have to tell you what printers you have
available to you in your lab. The general command is "lp myfile.ps",
but I can't tell you what your default printer is. If you know
the name of a specific printer, then you would specify
"lp -dmyprinter myfile.ps".
You should have the "gs" command (ghostscript) on your Linux system,
so you should be able to view the postscript file with "gs myfile.ps".
Steve Chiswell
>From: <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200307241841.h6OIfdLd001707
>Sorry for the repative questions, but my Linux is not very good I'm kind of le
> arning as I go. Now that I made this file by using the command DEVICE=ps|myf
> ile.ps|11;8.5|C how do i pull that file up and print it on a postscript prin
> ter.
>Also now that I'm using the xterm instead of the konsole copying and pasting i
> s not as user friendly. What I'm trying to do is run an snlist and then just
> copy and paste the information into a word document. When before in the no
> rmal konsole it was just highlight and paste, but the xterm does not offer th
> at to me. So I guess my question is how do i copy the snlist information out
> of the xterm window and paste it in a word document.