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20030709: 20030708: [Fwd: scripted GEMPAK, and color table selection]
- Subject: 20030709: 20030708: [Fwd: scripted GEMPAK, and color table selection]
- Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2003 12:25:19 -0600
Yes. They are environmental variables that you can set.
They are typically used by the National Centers (such as the
Marine prediction desk, etc).
>From: "Neil R. Smith" <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200307091735.h69HZOLd025250
>Thanks Steve.
>Are NCDESK and NCSITE shell environment variables that can be
>initialized anywhere at anytime, eg., in a gempak product generation
>On Tue, 2003-07-08 at 18:55, Unidata Support wrote:
>> Neil,
>> The xw (and therefore gf) drivers search for coltbl.xwp
>> in the following order/location:
>> <from fltbop.f>
>> C* 1. filename (local) *
>> C* 2. path/filename (TABLE as given) * <- not applicable here
>> C* 3. $NCDESK/type/filename *
>> C* 4. $NCSITE/type/filename *
>> C* 5. $GEMTBL/type/filename *
>> where type is the name "color", so the last location searched ins $GEMTBL/co
> lor.
>> You could utilize the other locations, such as $NCDESK/colors/coltbl.xwp
>> (where NCDESK is appropriate the the specific host nfs mounting the work dir
> ectory).
>> The name coltbl.xwp is used by the device driver, unless the program
>> makes a specific call to the gplt routine GSCTBL to define the
>> color table name- which none of the GEMPAK programs are doing,
>> but could be done by.
>> In the past, I have also done things such as edit the device driver code
>> to search for an environmental variable name first before using the
>> default coltbl.xwp file name (eg $GEMCOLTBL).
>> Steve Chiswell
>Neil R. Smith, Comp. Sys. Mngr. address@hidden
>Dept. Atmospheric Sci., Texas A&M Univ. 979/845-6272 FAX:979/862-4466