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RE: Accessing vertical profiles in Garp..Success
- Subject: RE: Accessing vertical profiles in Garp..Success
- Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2003 15:32:36 -0500
Hi Steve...
I found out why the Model Vertical Profile FDF's were not activated....I had
to clarify that I want a Logarithmic display then that activates the fdfs
for that section..
Thanks for your efforts..
-----Original Message-----
From: Poulin,Lewis [CMC]
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 12:22 PM
To: 'Unidata Support'
Subject: Accessing vertical profiles in Garp
Hi Steve
I am having difficulty getting the scalar and vector menus under Model
Vertical Profile in Garp to work.
I have successfully:
- converted our CMC data into Gempak format
- added new fdfs into the fdf directories
- made appropriate changes to the $GARPHOME/config/Garp_defaults file
- started Garp and had Garp recognize my models and have been able to use
the fdfs except for those in the Model Vertical Profile section.
The Model Plan Projection, Model Cross Section and Model Time Height buttons
all work fine. Their pop up submenus allow me to access all available fdfs
including the new ones I put in..that's great.
But for some reason, when I hit the Model Vertical Profile Button, the
associated pop up menu appears but the fdfs listed under scalar and vector
are fuzzed out. It is reading them in the directory, I can see a fuzzed out
name for each of them but access to them is not provided.
I've read and re-read the Garp_defaults file over and over trying to figure
out what if any changes I have to do..I'm stuck..
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Lewis Poulin