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20021210: GEMPAK: Soil Temperature/Moisture
- Subject: 20021210: GEMPAK: Soil Temperature/Moisture
- Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 15:51:32 -0700
The depth of the layers that the SOIM values are given is in centimeters
as I listed below using the vertical coordinate
112 in $GEMTBL/grid/vcrdgrib1.tbl.
The parameter description in $GEMTBL/grid/ncepgrib2.tbl from the grib 388 manual
provides for:
144 Volumetric soil moisture content fraction SOIM
The values of SOIM are being scaled by 100 (the *10**2) as you
show below. They are units=fraction, eg the values would actually
be between .08 and .96, so your color bar is showing scaled times 100 for
values more easily described as between 8% and 96%.
Steve Chiswell
>From: "Patrick O'Reilly" <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200212132240.gBDMeF409403
>Thanks Steve. I understand that the SLTK will be in degrees K, but do you
>know offhand what units the SOIM is plotted by default? In a quick plot I
>made, the units range from 8-96 per the colorbar, and the default title says
>'10:40 M SOIM (*10**2). This appears to be in meters instead of cm? Or
>does it just SAY meters but it's really cm? My glevel=10:40. Is this
>correct? I think the units are kg/m**2, but need a little convincing. Any
>light you can shine would be appreciated. Thanks again!
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Unidata Support" <address@hidden>
>To: "Patrick O'Reilly" <address@hidden>
>Cc: "Unidata Support" <address@hidden>
>Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 5:43 PM
>Subject: 20021210: GEMPAK: Soil Temperature/Moisture
>> Patrick,
>> GEMTBL/grid/ tables show for ncep models:
>> SOIM parameter 144 Volumetric soil moisture content.
>> SLTK parameter 85 Ssoil temperature.
>> In the NOAAPORT (HRS) grids, NGM grids 202, 207 and 211 carry SLTK at DPTH
>> ETA 212 carries soil temp and moisture at levels 0-10cm, 10-40cm,
>> 40-100cm, 100-200cm.
>> CONDUIT feed Models that carry SOIM and SLTK include:
>> ETA grids 212 and 104, RUC grid 236 and 252, AVN grid 3 and
>> MRF grids 2 and 3.
>> When looking for parameters in certain models, you can use gdinfo with
>> GFUNC set to the specific variables, like GFUNC=SLTK;SOIM and
>> GLEVEL, GDATTIM, and GVCORD set to all.
>> Steve Chiswell
>> Unidata User Support
>> >From: "Patrick O'Reilly" <address@hidden>
>> >Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>> >Keywords: 200212102310.gBANAK425407
>> >Hello in Boulder,
>> >
>> >I have browsed the help archives and found a couple tidbits about soil
>> >but not enough and none too recent. I am looking to create some plots of
>> >soil temp and moisture and was wondering if this type of product is even
>> >available over the IDD. If so, where is it located? I haven't found any
>> >soil parameters in GEMPAK, is what I am looking to do even possible using
>> >only IDD data and GEMPAK? Any hints, large or small, would be
>> >Thanks!
>> >
>> >Patrick
>> >_______________________________________
>> >Patrick O'Reilly
>> >Meteorological Decision Support Scientist
>> >The STORM Project - University of Northern Iowa
>> >address@hidden ~ ph: 319-273-3789
>> >
>> Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata
>> (303)497-8643 P.O. Box
>> address@hidden Boulder, CO
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