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20020709: dcmetr question
- Subject: 20020709: dcmetr question
- Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 17:00:10 -0600
Garp is pretty picky with the file names matching the
templates in $GARPHOME/config/Garp_defaults.
The defaults as they leave here are:
nids : $(RADDIR)/NIDS
nidsT : $(nids)/%(site)/%(product)/*_@(YYYYMMDD)_@(HHNN)
The nidsT would be a possible problem if you alter the naming convention.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
>From: "Michael Maxwell" <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200207091601.g69G11a27381
>From: "Michael Maxwell" <address@hidden>
>To: address@hidden
>Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 04:11:47 +0000
>X-mailer: Pegasus Mail for Windows (v3.12b)
>Yesterday I wrote about dcmetr not working but I found out today it
>was. The problem was the way I downloaded the metar and upper
>air files. I was using Windows Netscape and I should have
>downloaded them in binary transfer mode.
>Also I asked about GARP reading the NWS NEXRAD level III data.
>I got all the GUI's except GARP to display the raw data.
>I hope I am writing to the right address about dcmetr for decoding
>metar data into gempak files.
>I am using the command line:
>dcmetr -c 020707/0600 -m 72 -s
>/home/gempak/gempak/tables/stns/sfmetar_sa.tbl -a 500
>0207070600.sfc < 02070706_sao.wmo
>to run dcmetr and mostly the same for dcupa. Now all the program
>does is dump a log file which I will paste here later. The output file
>is never created at all. I will also paste a sample of the data I have
>tried using. I am thinking it may need to be run from inside another
>gempak application. My question is if I am doing this right. I am
>running Slackware 8.0 Linux with openmotif 2.2.1 and Gempak was
>compiled with GCC 3.0 here from source. I am in the data directory
>when I run the program with the file I am trying to decode.
>Something I should mention is that I download this metar file from
>albany's http server at:
>If you know where I can get upper air and metar data from the
>general internet that dcmetr and dcupa would use I would be
>greatfull. Since I plan to use the GEMPAK package at home on a
>Linux pc I will have to download any data for GEMPAK which on
>the model side of things is pretty easy. If you have time to answer
>another question: Do you know if the NWS radar files on their
>server can be decoded by GARP or NMAP2. This is level III data or
>it is supposed to be? I am sorry for the long message but I want to
>fix the decoders soon. Dcgrib works great.
>Now for the log file dcmetr does produce...
>[117] 020707/0208 [DC 3] Starting up.
>[117] 020707/0208 [DC -9] End of input data
>[117] 020707/0208 [DC 5] Normal termination.
>[117] 020707/0208 [DC 2] Number of bulletins
>read and processed: 0
>[117] 020707/0208 [DC 6] Shutting down.
>Now the sample of data....
>SAUS80 KWBC 070600
>KEHA 070548Z AUTO 15007KT 19/15 RMK AO1 PK WND
>09 000
> T01890150=
>SAUS70 KWBC 070600
>KHNZ 070548Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM CLR 18/13 A3016
>SAXX60 KWBC 070600
>PGUA 070545Z 19003KT 3 -SHRA SCT015 BKN040
>BKN080 OVC140 32/24
>+3241 WR//
> 45/SP=
>KD5GIV Ham Radio Operator
>Fort Worth, Texas, USA