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20020711: GEMPAK Problem
- Subject: 20020711: GEMPAK Problem
- Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 10:07:08 -0600
Make sure you don't have a corrupt gemglb.nts file or last.nts file in
your working directory. You might need to set "$respond = yes" too.
I would have to see the actual script that you are using for the skewT.
I only see the screen output below. The message that the program is
looking for 20020706 instead of 20020710 seems to indicate that either
your script is doing something else with the list of files available
(in particular if you are using "ls" to get a listing of certain files,
you might have somthing else in the list that your script is
parsing incorrectly.
You also might need to check file permissions in case you started
the LDM with a different umask and the script can't access the
data file created by the LDM.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
On Wed, 10 Jul 2002, Jim St. John wrote:
> Gembuds,
> I am running LDM and GEMPAK on PC with Solaris Intel 5.7. They have been
> running without problem for a couple of years. Over the 4th of July weekend
> I had an LDM glitch, which I resolved by installing the latest LDM version,
> which is now working fine. Data for the 6th and 7th of July were lost as I
> tried to get the problem fixed.
> I have downloaded and installed GEMPAK Version 5.6.e but I still am having
> he same problems. Here are the symptoms:
> This is a script I have been running for years to make a local Skew T:
> skewgif
> 20020710
> /data/ldm/gempak/upperair/20020710_upa.gem
> /export/home/stjohn/public_html/FFC.gif
> 12
> SNFILE Sounding data file
> /data/ldm/gempak/upperair/20020710_upa.gem
> DATTIM Date/time 12
> AREA Data area @FFC
> SNPARM Sounding parameter list tmpc;dwpc
> LINE Color/type/width/label/smth/fltr 5/1;2/3
> PTYPE Plot type/h:w ratio/margins skewt
> VCOORD Vertical coordinate type PRES
> STNDEX Stability indices SHOW;LIFT;TOTL;SWET;cape
> STNCOL Stability index color 1
> WIND Wind symbol/siz/wdth/typ/hdsz Bk1
> WINPOS Wind position 1
> MARKER Marker color/type/size/width/hw 0
> BORDER Background color/dash/width 1
> TITLE Title color/line/title 1
> DEVICE Device|name|x size;y size|color gf |
> /export/home/stjohn/public_html/FFC.gif
> YAXIS Ystrt/ystop/yinc/lbl;gln;tck ///;1
> XAXIS Xstrt/xstop/xinc/lbl;gln;tck -40/40/10/;1
> FILTER Filter data factor YES
> CLEAR Clear screen flag YES
> PANEL Panel loc/color/dash/width/regn 0
> TEXT Size/fnt/wdth/brdr/N-rot/just/hw 1
> THTALN THTA color/dash/width/mn/mx/inc 6/3/1
> THTELN THTE color/dash/width/mn/mx/inc 23/1/1
> MIXRLN MIXR color/dash/width/mn/mx/inc 16/10/2
> GEMPAK-SNPROF> [FL -1] Cannot open file
> /usr/local/data/gempak/upperair/20020706_upa.gem.
> [SN -2] File /usr/local/data/gempak/upperair/20020706_upa.gem could not be
> opened.
> [SNPROF 1] Parameter SHOW cannot be computed.
> [SNPROF 1] Parameter LIFT cannot be computed.
> [SNPROF 1] Parameter TOTL cannot be computed.
> [SNPROF 1] Parameter SWET cannot be computed.
> [SNPROF 1] Parameter CAPE cannot be computed.
> Note that it keeps asking for the July 6 file even though the script
> requests the July 10 file.
> For a simple SFLIST I get this:
> SFFILE = /data/ldm/gempak/surface/20020710_sao.gem
> AREA = @atl
> DATTIM = all
> OUTPUT = f/./ga_wx.txt
> [SFLIST 1] Parameter BLNK is not computable.
> This script runs OK:
> #! /bin/csh -f
> #
> source /nawips/Gemenviron
> #
> set YMD = `date -u +%Y%m%d`
> #
> set d1 = `date -u '+%H'`
> #
> set mfile = $SAO'/'$YMD'_sao.gem'
> echo $mfile
> #
> setenv DISPLAY localhost:0
> #
> #
> #set xfile = $WEB'/lclplot.gif.*'
> #if(-e $xfile) then
> # rm $xfile
> #endif
> #
> set outfile = $WEB'/lclplot.gif'
> if(-e $outfile) then
> rm $outfile
> endif
> #
> sfmap << SFMAP_EOF
> AREA = atl+
> GAREA = atl+
> DATTIM = $d1
> SFFILE = $mfile
> COLORS = 1;2;3;1;2;3;1
> MAP = 3
> LATLON = 0
> MARKER = 0
> TITLE = 1
> CLEAR = y
> PANEL = 0
> DEVICE = gf | $outfile
> PROJ = lcc
> TEXT = .7/23//sw
> run
> exit
> gpend
> rm $WEB/lclplot.gif.*
> exit
> Does anybody out here have any idea of what could be causing these symptoms?
> Jim St. John
> *************************************************
> * James C. St. John, Ph. D.
> * School of Earth and Atmosopheric Sciences
> * Georgia Institute of Technology
> * Atlanta GA 30332-0340
> * Phone: 404-894-1754
> * Fax: 404-894-1106
> * E-Mail: mailto:address@hidden