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20020424: NIDS products
- Subject: 20020424: NIDS products
- Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 15:50:34 -0600
The current version of GEMPAK is 5.6.F. All Unidata distributiuons
since 5.6.A provide the ability to display the zlib compressed NIDS
products that NWS is providing since Jan 2001 (which was when 5.6.a
was release).
NMAP & NMAP2, Garp, NSAT, and all text interface GEMPAK programs that
use the RADFIL variable will display the NIDS products.
For example, in GPMAP, set RADFIL to your data file, and set PROJ=rad.
All of the GUI's provide drop down menus for NIDS file selection for data
in the appropriate file structure:
NSAT also provides a method for browsing the data directories under the
"User defined" option under file.
Steve Chiswell
>From: "Brian R. Nelson" <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200204242044.g3OKiVa09327
>Sorry, we are using Gempak 5.6.
>I recently found an email discussing a simple way to read NOAAPORT NEXRAD
>Level III products. The email explains each of the blocks of data in the raw
>file and shows that there are compressed segments of the data. The email
>mentions that there is code in the GEMPAK libraries that will show how to read
>this data in the compressed format.
>Would you be able to point us to the program that can read this compressed
>data? We are using the Gempak 5.2 on the SGI.
>I found the email on the mail archives :
>Thanks for any help.
>Brian Nelson
>From address@hidden Wed Apr 24 14:35:50 2002
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>X-WebMail-UserID: brnelson
>Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 15:35:42 -0500
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>From: "Brian R. Nelson" <address@hidden>
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>X-EXP32-SerialNo: 00003240
>Subject: NIDS products
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>I recently found an email discussing a simple way to read NOAAPORT NEXRAD
>Level III products. The email explains each of the blocks of data in the raw
>file and shows that there are compressed segments of the data. The email
>mentions that there is code in the GEMPAK libraries that will show how to read
>this data in the compressed format.
>Would you be able to point us to the program that can read this compressed
>data? We are using the Gempak 5.2 on the SGI.
>I found the email on the mail archives :
>Thanks for any help.
>Brian Nelson