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20020421: viewing GINI radar comp in GARP after transferred through ADDE
- Subject: 20020421: viewing GINI radar comp in GARP after transferred through ADDE
- Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 11:17:43 -0600
MciDAS has a funny quirk in that it treats Lambert secant and
lambert tangent as 2 different projections, (LAMB and TANC).
GEMPAK uses LCC for both and allows the la1 and la2 angles to
be assigned as necessary.
I added the ability for GEMPAK to recognize the TANC projection
which came from the ADDE server after it too the image from
GEMPAK and created an AREA back from the GINI.
You probably need to create a $GEMTBL/sat/imgtyp.tbl entry for
your ADDE products since all the color table entries I created
were for the products as I created them with nex2gini, but not after
they have been pushed around through mcidas. McIDAS might be leaving the
sensor number as 99 which I am mapping to 11 in the GINI code, but
your ADDE is probably not a GINI when you get it. Possibly taking the
existing entries I provided and creating duplicates of them with
source 99 might be the lacking part.
Note that all sensors numbers in GINI are not the same as you would have
in an AREA file, eg GOES 8-12 imagers are numbers 8 through 12, where
McIDAS AREA files call these 71, 73 75, etc.
Stvee Chiswell
I read in the support archives that GEMPAK now has the capability
of viewing GINI format images that have been received through the McIDAS
ADDE. When I tried to view in GARP a NEXRAD comp image made with nex2gini
that had been transferred to another machine via ADDE, it displayed
the area okay, but it showed the echoes as white..no colors.
Is there some sort of McIDAS postprocessing required? I tried doing
an IMGCHA CTYPE=RAW (the copied image showed CTYPE to be BRIT),
but this did not help.
Robert Mullenax