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20020214: gdradr, gdplot2
- Subject: 20020214: gdradr, gdplot2
- Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 16:49:29 -0700
It sounds like gdradr is either:
1) not finding current radars within the 30 minutes (RADDUR)
previous to the RADTIM
2) Not finding your radar data.
When gdradr runs, it will list out to the screen the
radars it is using, or if they are too old. I might
need you to send me that output from the program.
Verify that your radar data is within 30 minutes of current, or set
RADTIM back to the time of your data.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
>From: "Chance Spencer" <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200202142246.g1EMkNx19191
>I am trying to create a national mosaic using gdradr and gdplot2. I found
>your tutorial page on gdradr and have tryed using some of those parameters
>to create a gridded file. Gdradr seems to be able to create a file but when
>I try to use gdplot2 to display it all I get is a screen with a color bar
>over at the right hand side and a map of the U.S. with the highest intensity
>color covering it. I am not sure if the parameters that I have set are
>correct or not. The parameters for gdradr are:
>GRDAREA Area covered by grid 23.0;-120.0;47.0;-65.0
>PROJ Map projection/angles/margins|dr lcc/25;-103;60/3;3;0;0
>KXKY Number of grid points in x;y 720;500
>GFUNC Scalar grid n0r
>GDFILE Grid file 20020208_22_radr.gem
>RADTIM Radar composite current/dattim current
>RADDUR Radar time window (minutes prior 30
>RADFRQ Update Frequency 2
>CPYFIL Grid file whose navigation is to
>STNFIL Station information file nexrad.tbl
>MAXGRD Maximum number of grids 200
>The parameters for gdplot2 are:
>GDFILE Grid file 20020208_22_radr.gem
>GDATTIM Grid date/time last
>GLEVEL Grid level 0
>GVCORD Grid vertical coordinate none
>PANEL Panel loc/color/dash/width/regn 0
>SKIP Skip_cntr/skip_plt_x;skip_plt_y 0
>SCALE Scalar scale / vector scale 0
>GDPFUN Scalar grid or vector grid funct n0r
>TYPE GDPLOT2 function processing type F
>CONTUR Subbox/smooth 0
>CINT Contour interval/min/max
>LINE Color/type/width/label/smth/fltr
>FINT Fill interval/min/max
>FLINE Fill colors 0;21-23;20;18;17;15-7
>HILO Color/symbol/rng/rad/cnt/intp
>HLSYM HILO txt size/posn/font/wdth/hw
>CLRBAR Color/ornt/anch/x;y/ln;wd/freq
>WIND Wind symbol/siz/wdth/typ/hdsz
>REFVEC Mag;x;y;txtsiz/font/wdth/HW;labl
>TITLE Title color/line/title 1/-1/~ Unidata 4km composite
>TEXT Size/fnt/wdth/brdr/N-rot/just/hw 1/1/1
>CLEAR Clear screen flag n
>GAREA Graphics area 22.0;-122.0;47.0;-65.0
>PROJ Map projection/angles/margins|dr lcc/25;-103;60/3;3;0;0
>MAP Map color/dash/width/filter flag 1
>LATLON Line color/dash/width/label/inc 0
>DEVICE Device|name|x size;y size|color xw
>STNPLT Txtc/txt attr|marker attr|stnfil
>SATFIL Satellite image filename(s)
>RADFIL Radar image filename(s)
>LUTFIL Enhancement lookup table filenam
>STREAM lines/arrows/stop/slow/scale
>POSN Position 0
>COLORS Color list 1
>MARKER Marker color/type/size/width/hw 0
>GRDLBL Grid point label color 0
>FILTER Filter data factor YES
>The file that gdradr is creating can be found by logging into
>ariel.met.tamu.edu as anonymous and using e-mail as password. Once logged
>in you can cd to the pub directory and use the
>20020208_22_radr.gem file to try and plot on gdplot 2 to see if you know
>what might be going on. I would appreciate any suggestions that you could
>offer. Thank you for your time.
>Chance Spencer
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