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20020125: NTL question
- Subject: 20020125: NTL question
- Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 13:58:32 -0700
>From: Clint Rowe <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200201251710.g0PHAIx22476
>Is there any way to force ntl to re-read its environment? I was hoping
>to figure a way to reset the environment to look at case study data, then
>go back to real-time data without continually starting and stopping ntl.
>My plan was to add another icon to ntl (that much I can do) that would
>pop-up a list of case studies to choose from or reset to real-time data.
>Any thoughts?
>P.S. I think this would be a really useful addition for a lot of users.
>Clinton M. Rowe
>Associate Professor
>Meteorology/Climatology Program phone:(402)472-1946
>Department of Geosciences fax:(402)472-4917
>University of Nebraska-Lincoln address@hidden
There isn't a way to change the ntl environmenent without restarting.
COMET has a series of mouse button configurations that launches ntl
with the environment for each case study. As you mention, this can
be a pain to have to exit out of currently running programs.
There is a slightly ;) more clunky way of getting around the problem
that I have tried. It turns out that ntl will look for the program
in the current working directory before looking in $GEMEXE.
So, if you have an executable script in your working directory
called nmap2, then that will be invoked instead of the one in $GEMEXE.
You can have a script nmap2 that sets its environmental variables
for the case study and then invokes nmap2.
I created a 32x32 xbm button that says "case 19" (I can send the xbm
to you if you want a template). The the button invokes a shell
script that creates links from case configurations to the program names
in the current working directory. And another button "current" to
remove the links.
So, you could have separate files nmap2_casexx, garp_casexx, etc. for each
case, and the case button would invoke a script that creates a symbolic link
in the current directory from nmap2_casexx to nmap2.
Ok....so maybe very clunky rather than slightly.
I agree it would be a useful feature.