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20011206: 20011203: 20011130: 20011130: Computing the standard deviatio n
- Subject: 20011206: 20011203: 20011130: 20011130: Computing the standard deviatio n
- Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2001 12:36:45 -0700
No. STAN C should not be .1849. Your assumption that operations are
commutative is incorrect. The square of a number is not linear.
Therefore, you cannot interpolate B to and point and then square it
and have it equal to the field of B^2 interpolated to a point.
The STAN value of .29 does appear to be the correct interpolated value
of the B^2 field to SAC. You can plot out the 4 surrounding data points of SAC
do the bi-linear interpolation yourself to prove this.
To prove that the operations are non-commutative, look simply at 2 points:
Pt1 Pt2
Now, say you want to interpolate B and C to the * in the middle of the 2 points.
Given the values B and C=B^2:
Pt1 Pt2
B .77 -.01
C .593 .0001
An interpolation of B to * gives: .39
An interpolation if C to * gives: .2965
If you then square the value of B interpolated to the point, you get: .39^2 =
By calculating C first, and interpolating the field to the station location,
you have a
field that reflects the non-linearity of the gradient in the square of the
I have found nothing in the information you provided to point to any problems
the package.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
>From: "Siffert, Andy" <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200112061615.fB6GExN29055
>This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
>this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.
>Content-Type: text/plain;
> charset="iso-8859-1"
>Sorry to keep bothering you with this problem,
>I tried the changes but things were pretty much the same as I had. The
>problem still exists and I see you had the same problem. STAN "C" should be
> SAC 011203/0000 0.29 38.52 -121.50
>So, I still think it is how the gdgdiag is storing "b" into the
>"2001120300_ensemble.gem" file.
>I did not see a problem with the Lat,Lon, but I have attached the
>"2meter_temp.sfc" as requested
>Also attached is the script I'm using "standard.tcsh"
>You should be able to use in it, in any working directory where the .gem
>file is. I believe you just need to source your location of Gemenviron. I
>just do not understand what I'm doing wrong. Everything seems right and it's
>such a simple calculation "b^2"
>Sorry, but Thanks,
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Unidata Support [mailto:address@hidden]
>Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 2:04 PM
>To: Siffert, Andy
>Cc: 'Unidata Support'
>Subject: 20011203: 20011130: 20011130: Computing the standard deviation
>I took your grid file and verified that I can display the "C" quantity for
>I then created a surface file with:
> SFOUTF = 2meter_temp.sfc
> STNFIL = sfmetar_sa.tbl
> SHIPFL = n
> TIMSTN = 24/100
> SFFSRC = text
>In the above, sfmetar_sa.tbl is a surface file with SAC (Sacremento, CA) in
>As I mentioned previously, your use of TIMSTN was not correct.
>I then used gdgsfc to write the grid "C" to the surface file and
>call it "STAN".
> GDFILE = 2001120300_ensemble.gem
> GDATTIM = f000
> GVCORD = hght
> GLEVEL = 2
> GFUNC = c
> SCALE = 999
> SFFILE = 2meter_temp.sfc
> SFPARM = dset
> GEMPAK-GDGSFC>sfparm = stan
> Grid file: 2001120300_ensemble.gem
>011203/0000F000 2 HGHT C
> SCALE: 0
> Time: 011203/0000
> Parameter: STAN
>Enter <cr> to accept parameters or type EXIT:
>I can now list out the value of STAN (which is b^2) with SFLIST:
> SFFILE = 2meter_temp.sfc
> AREA = @sac
> DATTIM = all
> SFPARM = stan;slat;slon
> OUTPUT = t
> SAC 011203/0000 0.29 38.52 -121.50
>This appears to be what you said you could not get. I included the
>SLAT and SLON output in sflist as well since it could be that if your
>station table you are using has a problem with the location of SAC,
>then you could get -9999 as STAN if the SLAT and SLON were not known.
>If that is the case we'd have to have a look at your
>/usr/local/nawips/gempak/tables/stns/2m_temp.tbl file.
>So at this point, I need you to verify that you are doing as I am above
>and you still see -9999 for the STAN value of SAC.
>Steve Chiswell
>Unidata User Support
>>From: "Siffert, Andy" <address@hidden>
>>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>>Keywords: 200112031432.fB3EWoN04424
>>Good Morning Steve,
>>Is there a ftp site I can ftp you the .gem file it is still to big to send
>>through e-mail.
>>What I did is did a
>>I deleted all the other parameters for all forecast hours except for F000
>>and F012.
>>However, this did not change the size of the .gem file, it just removed the
>>unwanted grids. Is there anyway to change the size of a gempak file.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Unidata Support [mailto:address@hidden]
>>Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 2:46 PM
>>To: Siffert, Andy
>>Cc: 'Unidata Support'
>>Subject: 20011130: 20011130: Computing the standard deviation
>>Ok. Still can't see any problem (other than TIMSTN which exceeds the
>>number of times allow in a GEMPAK file). I used TIMSTN=24/100 for
>>24 times, 100 additional stations.
>>Rereading your message below, you say you use gdgsfc to write the gddiag
>>to a surface file. Then output to a .txt file.
>>Have you looked at the values in the surface file with sflist?
>>what are you using to output the data to your .txt file?
>>I guess I should see your gdgsfc commands, the SAC output from sflist
>>as well.
>>Steve Chiswell
>>Unidata User SUpport
>>>From: "Siffert, Andy" <address@hidden>
>>>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>>>Keywords: 200111301947.fAUJlCN29728
>>>This is the surface file I created.
>>>TMC1 = TMPKC001
>>>AVRG= Average of all members
>>>STAN= Will equal Standard deviation once I can figure out b^2
>>>MINS= Average - one Standard Deviation
>>>PLUS= Average + one Standard Deviation
>>>Not sure if I understand this part 2)
>>>2) specify a parameter list and optionally the data range and resolution
>>> of the data.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Unidata Support [mailto:address@hidden]
>>>Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 1:32 PM
>>>To: Siffert, Andy
>>>Cc: 'Unidata Support'
>>>Subject: 20011130: 20011130: Computing the standard deviation
>>>this confirms that it is not a problem related to your
>>>calculation of C in gddiag. previously, you had said you saw values
>>>of -9999 for C, but we now can assume that it is when you interpolate the
>>>grid to the surface file using gdgsfc.
>>>When you use gdgsfc, the surface file must already exist. Presumably
>>>you have created the surface file using sfcfil. The resolution of the
>>>data to be stored in the surface file is specified with the SFPRMF
>>>So, we need to see what you have done for SFPRMF in sfcfil.
>>>Typically, you can either:
>>>1) specify a packing file
>>>2) specify a parameter list and optionally the data range and resolution
>>> of the data.
>>>Can you provide information on what you have used for SFPRMF?
>>>Steve Chiswell
>>>Unidata User Support
>>>>From: "Siffert, Andy" <address@hidden>
>>>>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>>>>Keywords: 200111301919.fAUJJEN28104
>>>>I'm some what new to Gempak,
>>>>I'm not sure what I'm suppose to be looking for when I use gdinfo or
>>>>When using gdinfo and gdcntr
>>>>I specify "b" or "c"
>>>>and it shows that they are there.
>>>>Is that what you wanted me to see??
>>>>I do agree with you that is it s truncating problem.
>>>>When you get a chance it would be great if you could return this e-mail
>>>>I could give you a call to get a better understanding of where the
>>>>might be.
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: Unidata Support [mailto:address@hidden]
>>>>Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 10:09 AM
>>>>To: Siffert, Andy
>>>>Cc: 'Unidata Support'
>>>>Subject: 20011130: 20011129: Computing the standard deviation
>>>>start by forgetting about gdgsfc to start.
>>>>After you create "b" which you know works, you should be able to use
>>>>gdlist or gdcntr etc to view it.
>>>>Now, if you create "c", you should still be able to view it. Verify that
>>>>first- before doing anything with gdgsfc,
>>>>What I see in your previous message is that your terms are small. And
>>>>square them, they of course get smaller. The SFLIST output will be
>>>>truncated to 2 decimal places which does create a display problem, unless
>>>>scale the values with SFPARM=sstdv*100 for example.
>>>>If you are using gdgsfc to write the output to the surface file, then the
>>>>packing information for the surface file must correspond to the
>>>>resolution of the data (see $GEMTBL/pack for examples).
>>>>Anyhow, let me know first if you see C in the grid file before the gdgsfc
>>>>interpolation to a surface file. If that is the case, then we can focus
>>>>you need to use with gdgsfc. As I mentioned yesterday, I didn't see
>>>>any problem here with gddiag.
>>>>Steve Chiswell
>>>>Unidata User Support
>>>>>From: "Siffert, Andy" <address@hidden>
>>>>>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>>>>>Keywords: 200111301327.fAUDRTN10376
>>>>>Steve good morning.
>>>>>We are running a newer version of Red Hat Linux and using GEMPACK
>>>>>(I think c.1)
>>>>> MRF ensemble grid I'm using.
>>>>> GRID SIZE: 144 73
>>>>> LL CORNER: -90.00 0.00
>>>>> UR CORNER: 90.00 -2.50
>>>>>First using a series of gddiag commands I create an average using all
>>>>>The average is then stored in the same .gem as the 10 members.
>>>>>Next I individually take the members and compute the variance, from the
>>>>>variance you take the sqrt to obtain the standard deviation.
>>>>>The problem is in the calculation of the variance.
>>>>>as noted in my previous e-mail.
>>>>>As far as viewing the output. Once, all the calculation for all the
>>>>>and all forecast hours, are computed in gddiag. I then use gdgsfc to
>>>>>the selected surface that were written to file in the gddiag commands.
>>>>>using gdgsfc I write everything to a .txt file.
>>>>>P.S. I know that GEMPAK knows what b is because if I
>>>>>for example use the 11/30 00z, TMPKC001 member from SAC
>>>>>AVG (of all the members) = 43.76
>>>>>TMPKC001 = 43.46
>>>>>AVG - TMPKC001 = .30 (b)
>>>>>mul(b,b)= .25
>>>>>exp(b,2)= -9999 (however for some other STN ID's I do not get -9999).
>>>>>exp(.30,2)= .09
>>>>>mul(.30,.30)= .09 which is what I want but since .30 is just one example
>>>>>many members I need to use (b).
>>>>>Hope this additional information helps.
>>>>>Thanks for your help.
>>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>>From: Unidata Support [mailto:address@hidden]
>>>>>Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 3:33 PM
>>>>>To: Siffert, Andy
>>>>>Cc: address@hidden
>>>>>Subject: 20011129: Computing the standard deviation
>>>>>I cannot duplicate your problem here using GEMPAK 5.6.E.1 on my SGI
>>>>>with the 00Z ensemble grids on the 1x1 degree output today.
>>>>>What platform combination are you using?.
>>>>>Where is your "example of output" coming from? GDLIST? GDPLOT2?
>>>>>Steve Chiswell
>>>>>>From: "Siffert, Andy" <address@hidden>
>>>>>>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>>>>>>Keywords: 200111291537.fATFbvN06225
>>>>>>I Think?
>>>>>>I'm not sure how large or small my problem is. However, I hope I made
>>>>>>problem clear below.
>>>>>>What I'm trying to do in gempak is take the square of small number and
>>>>>>it in a .gem file using GDDIAG.
>>>>>>What I'm trying to do is compute the standard deviation in 2 m
>>>>>>from the MRF ensembles
>>>>>>here is the part of interest.
>>>>>>#converts member to degrees F
>>>>>>GDFILE = /home/met-user/andy/$file
>>>>>>GDOUTF = /home/met-user/andy/$file
>>>>>>GFUNC = add(mul(sub(TMPKC001,273),1.8),32)))
>>>>>>GDATTIM = $YY$MM$DD/${cycle}00F$zero$fff
>>>>>>GLEVEL = 2
>>>>>>GVCORD = hght
>>>>>>GRDNAM = a
>>>>>>GPACK =
>>>>>>#Subtract avg from a member of the ensembles
>>>>>>GDFILE = /home/met-user/andy/$file
>>>>>>GDOUTF = /home/met-user/andy/$file
>>>>>>GFUNC = sub(avg,a)
>>>>>>GDATTIM = $YY$MM$DD/${cycle}00F$zero$fff
>>>>>>GLEVEL = 2
>>>>>>GVCORD = hght
>>>>>>GRDNAM = b
>>>>>>GPACK =
>>>>>>GDFILE = /home/met-user/andy/$file
>>>>>>GDOUTF = /home/met-user/andy/$file
>>>>>>GFUNC = expi(b,2)
>>>>>>GDATTIM = $YY$MM$DD/${cycle}00F$zero$fff
>>>>>>GLEVEL = 2
>>>>>>GVCORD = hght
>>>>>>GRDNAM = c
>>>>>>GPACK =
>>>>>>This is where the problem is: I want to take the square of b (b^2).
>>>>>>The output is wrong.
>>>>>>I have even try doing
>>>>>> GFUNC = mul (b,b)
>>>>>>which should be the same as b^2?
>>>>>>If I use
>>>>>> GFUNC = EXP(b,2)
>>>>>>I get -9999 or the wrong answer also.
>>>>>>Example of output
>>>>>> Avg - a = b^2 = c The output I recive from C in gempak
>>>>>>43.31-42.82 = .49 ^2 = .2401 .27
>>>>>>53.56-53.54 = .02 ^2 = .0004 -9999
>>>>>>Thanks for your help.
>>>>>> Andy Siffert
>>>>>> Aquila Weather Desk
>>>>>> Research and Development
>>>>>> 1100 Walnut Street, Suite 3300
>>>>>> Kansas City, MO 64106
>>>>>> 816-527-1247
>>>>>> Fax: 816-527-4247
>>>>>Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata
>>>>>(303)497-8644 P.O. Box
>>>>>address@hidden Boulder, CO
>>>>>Unidata WWW Service http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
>>>>Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata
>>>>(303)497-8644 P.O. Box
>>>>address@hidden Boulder, CO
>>>>Unidata WWW Service http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
>>>Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata
>>>(303)497-8644 P.O. Box
>>>address@hidden Boulder, CO
>>>Unidata WWW Service http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
>>Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata
>>(303)497-8644 P.O. Box
>>address@hidden Boulder, CO
>>Unidata WWW Service http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
>Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
>(303)497-8644 P.O. Box 3000
>address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
>Unidata WWW Service http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
>Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
> name="standard.tcsh"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>Content-Disposition: attachment;
> filename="standard.tcsh"
>#environment stuff
>#This script make a surface text file of 2 meter temperature for a =
>#number of Cities in the US using the NCEP ensembles.
>set echo
>source /usr/local/nawips/Gemenviron
>#cd /home/met-user/andy/tmp/
># Setting up Date Time Stamp
># Need to have it pick the newest file that was created. This is done =
>#using the ls -t | head -1 | cut -c1-10
># set newfile =3D `ls -t | head -1`
># set YY =3D `ls -t | head -1 | cut -c3-4`
># set MM =3D `ls -t | head -1 | cut -c5-6`
># set DD =3D `ls -t | head -1 | cut -c7-8`
># set HH =3D `ls -t | head -1 | cut -c9-10`
># set cycle =3D `ls -t | head -1 | cut -c9-10`
>#cp $newfile /home/met-user/andy/
>cd ./andy/tmp/
>set newfile =3D 2001120300_ensemble.gem
> set YY =3D 01
> set MM =3D 12
> set DD =3D 03
> set HH =3D 00
> set cycle =3D 00
> set file =3D 2001120300_ensemble.gem
>chmod a+w $file
>rm -f 2meter_temp.sfc
>rm -f ???_temp.sfc
>rm -f temperature.txt
># Create the surface file using GDGSFC
># Creating Avg.
>set fff =3D 00
>while ( $fff <=3D 384 )
>if ( $fff <=3D 12 ) then
>set zero =3D 0
>GDFILE =3D $file
>GDOUTF =3D $file
>GFUNC =3D =
>GDATTIM =3D $YY$MM$DD/${cycle}00F$zero$fff
>GVCORD =3D hght
>GRDNAM =3D group1
> =20
>GDFILE =3D $file
>GDOUTF =3D $file
>GFUNC =3D =
>GDATTIM =3D $YY$MM$DD/${cycle}00F$zero$fff
>GVCORD =3D hght
>GRDNAM =3D group2
>GDFILE =3D $file
>GDOUTF =3D $file
>GFUNC =3D add(group1,group2)
>GDATTIM =3D $YY$MM$DD/${cycle}00F$zero$fff
>GVCORD =3D hght
>GRDNAM =3D group3
>GDFILE =3D $file
>GDOUTF =3D $file
>GFUNC =3D quo(group3,11)
>GDATTIM =3D $YY$MM$DD/${cycle}00F$zero$fff
>GVCORD =3D hght
>GRDNAM =3D group4
>GPACK =3D =20
>GDFILE =3D $file
>GDOUTF =3D $file
>GFUNC =3D add(mul(sub(group4,273),1.8),32)
>GDATTIM =3D $YY$MM$DD/${cycle}00F$zero$fff
>GVCORD =3D hght
>GRDNAM =3D group5
>run =20
>#Writing the Avg. to the surface file.
> =20
> @ fff =3D $fff + 12
> end
># This is the start of the standerd devation calculation.
>set fff =3D 00
>while ( $fff <=3D 384 )
>if ( $fff <=3D 12 ) then
>set zero =3D 0
>#Converts member from K to F degrees
>GDFILE =3D $file
>GDOUTF =3D $file
>GFUNC =3D add(mul(sub(TMPKC001,273),1.8),32)))
>GDATTIM =3D $YY$MM$DD/${cycle}00F$zero$fff
>GVCORD =3D hght
>GPACK =3D=20
> =20
>#subtracting Avg from member "a"
>GDFILE =3D $file
>GDOUTF =3D $file
>GFUNC =3D sub(group5,a)
>GDATTIM =3D $YY$MM$DD/${cycle}00F$zero$fff
>GVCORD =3D hght
>GPACK =3D=20
># taking the square of "b"
>GDFILE =3D $file =20
>GDOUTF =3D $file
>GFUNC =3D exp(b,2)
>GDATTIM =3D $YY$MM$DD/${cycle}00F$zero$fff
>GVCORD =3D hght
>#Writing the above results to the surface a file.
># Writing the avg - member to surface file
>SCALE=3D999 =20
>SFPARM=3D mins
>#Writes the Square of the avg - member
>SFPARM=3D stan
> @ fff =3D $fff + 12
> end
># Writing the Surface file that we created above to a .txt file
># You can and "avrg" if you want to display the avrg.
>set test =3D dset
> SFFILE =3D 2meter_temp.sfc
> DATTIM =3D all
> SFPARM =3D tmc1;;avrg;mins;stan;slat;slon
> OUTPUT =3D f/temperature.txt
>Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
> name="2m_temp.tbl"
>Content-Disposition: attachment;
> filename="2m_temp.tbl"
>SAC 724830 SACRAMENTO_EXECUTIVE_(ASOS) CA US 3852 -12150 6 0
>LGA 725033 NEW_YORK_CITY NY US 4077 -7398 27 0
>BOS 725090 BOSTON/LOGAN_INTL_(ASOS) MA US 4237 -7103 9 99
>ORD 725300 CHICAGO/O'HARE_ARPT_(ASOS) IL US 4198 -8790 205 99
>MSP 726580 MINNEAPOLIS-ST_PAUL_(ASOS) MN US 4488 -9322 255 99
>SLC 725720 SALT_LAKE_CITY_INTL_(ASOS) UT US 4078 -11197 1288 99
>DFW 722583 DALLAS/LOVE_FIELD_(ASOS) TX US 3285 -9685 148 0
>ATL 722190 ATLANTA_INTL_ARPT_(ASOS) GA US 3365 -8442 315 99
>PHL 724080 PHILADELPHIA_INTL_(ASOS) PA US 3988 -7525 9 99
>MCI 724460 KANSAS_CITY_INTL_(ASOS) MO US 3932 -9472 312 99
>PDX 726980 PORTLAND_INTL_ARPT_(ASOS) OR US 4560 -12260 12 99
>PHX 722780 PHOENIX/SKY_HARBOR_(ASOS) AZ US 3343 -11202 337 99
>DCA 724030 WASHINGTON/DULLES_(ASOS) VA US 3895 -7745 98 0
>CVG 724210 CINCINNATI/COVINGTO_(ASOS) KY US 3905 -8467 267 99
>LIT LITTLE_ROCK/ADAMS_& AR US 3473 -9223 79
>FAT FRESNO_AIR_TERM CA US 3677 -11972 100
>OKC OKLAHOMA_CITY(A OK US 3540 -9760 397