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20011031: label positions in gempak
- Subject: 20011031: label positions in gempak
- Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2001 13:02:30 -0700
>From: address@hidden (Chris Hennon)
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200110311455.f9VEti122583
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>Steve -
>I'm using gpmap version 5.6A. By default, when I specify a plot area of
>0;-100;50;-2.5, the latitude and longitude labels encroach on the plot and
>the map extends out to the very edge of the viewing area (at least
>horizontally - see the attached gif for an example). Optimally, I'd like
>a plot with the latitude and longitude labels outside of the map area, and
>with a map that neatly ends within the viewing area. Is there a simple
>way of doing this? Thanks.
>| Chris Hennon Ohio State University |
>| Tropical Meteorology address@hidden |
>| |
>| Dept of Geography Office: 1155 Derby Hall |
>| 1036 Derby Hall Phone : (614) 292-2704 |
>| Columbus, OH 43210 Fax : (614) 292-6213 |
Use the LATLON paramter to control which longitude and longitude the labels
are drawn on:
The latitude and longitude labels refer to the latitude at which to label
the longitudes lines and the longitude at which to label the latitude
The defaults for the latitude and longitude value placements if either or
both are not specified are usually the left side for latitude labeling
and the bottom for longitude labeling.
And the margin specification on the PROJ variable to allow room on the
map proj / ang1;ang2;ang3 / l;b;r;t (margins) | image drop flag
Here is an example I ran with gpmap and XW that looks like it would
address your needs:
MAP = 6
GAREA = 0;-100;50;-2.5
PROJ = ced//6;3;3;0
LATLON = 24/12/1/1;1/5;5/52;-101
TITLE = 1/-1
TEXT = 1/21/1/hw
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support