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20011030: using stnplt to add a TC marker
- Subject: 20011030: using stnplt to add a TC marker
- Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 08:57:53 -0700
My suggestion was to create a "STATION TABLE" for plotting
with STNPLT. A station table looks like the
tables found in $GEMTBL/stns. See the GEMPAK help
information for more information on STNPLT.
Since you created a surface format gempak file,
you can plot the observation locations using the MARK variable
in the SFPARM parameter using SFMAP like:
SFPARM = mark:23:3:6
where the : characters separate the marker number, size and width.
Use the COLOR parameter to control the marker color.
Steve Chiswell
>From: Andrew Levine <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200110310352.f9V3q6103480
>I am trying to use stnplt to plot a TC marker on gdplot. I created a file
>using sfcfil and created it as a ship file so the TC will be marked
>following the track. When I use gdplot, and try to add the marker, it
>does not appear.
>This is the track file I made:
>GING 970921/1200 10.3 174.7 1007
>GING 970921/1800 10.3 174.4 1007
>GING 970922/0000 10.2 173.7 1007
>GING 970922/0600 10.2 173.0 1004
>GING 970922/1200 10.2 171.8 1004
>GING 970922/1800 10.2 170.3 1002
>GING 970923/0000 10.6 168.8 1002
>GING 970923/0600 11.2 167.4 1002
>GING 970923/1200 12.1 166.3 1000
>GING 970923/1800 12.9 165.3 1000
>GING 970924/0000 13.7 164.5 997
>GING 970924/0600 14.6 163.8 994
>GING 970924/1200 15.3 163.2 991
>GING 970924/1800 16.0 162.6 987
>GING 970925/0000 16.9 162.1 984
>GING 970925/0600 17.9 161.6 980
>GING 970925/1200 18.9 161.1 976
>GING 970925/1800 19.8 160.7 972
>GING 970926/0000 20.1 160.5 967
>GING 970926/0600 20.4 160.3 958
>GING 970926/1200 20.8 160.1 927
>GING 970926/1800 21.4 159.7 916
>GING 970927/0000 21.9 159.2 892
>GING 970927/0600 22.4 158.7 892
>GING 970927/1200 22.9 158.2 898
>GING 970927/1800 23.7 157.8 904
>GING 970928/0000 24.6 157.4 927
>GING 970928/0600 25.6 157.3 933
>GING 970928/1200 26.8 157.3 933
>GING 970928/1800 28.2 157.6 933
>GING 970929/0000 29.8 158.5 944
>GING 970929/0600 31.6 159.8 949
>GING 970929/1200 33.8 161.9 954
>GING 970929/1800 36.4 164.1 963
>GING 970930/0000 39.5 166.9 967
>GING 970930/0600 42.1 170.3 967
>GING 970930/1200 43.8 173.5 976
>GING 970930/1800 45.5 176.8 980
>Next, I used sfcfile as such:
> SFOUTF Output surface file /home/ua/levine/gingertrk.gem
> SFPRMF Surface parameter packing file pres
> STNFIL Station information file
> SHIPFL Ship data file flag y
> TIMSTN Times/additional stations 40/1
> SFFSRC Surface file source
>I then added the data using sfedit:
>SFEFIL Surface edit file /home/ua/levine/gingertrkgem.txt
>SFFILE Surface data file /home/ua/levine/gingertrk.gem
>When I used sflist, this is what shows up:
> GING 970921/1200 1007.00
> GING 970921/1800 1007.00
> GING 970922/0000 1007.00
> GING 970922/0600 1004.00
> GING 970922/1200 1004.00
> GING 970922/1800 1002.00
> GING 970923/0000 1002.00
> GING 970923/0600 1002.00
> GING 970923/1200 1000.00
> GING 970923/1800 1000.00
> GING 970924/0000 997.00
> GING 970924/0600 994.00
> GING 970924/1200 991.00
> GING 970924/1800 987.00
> GING 970925/0000 984.00
> GING 970925/0600 980.00
> GING 970925/1200 976.00
> GING 970925/1800 972.00
> GING 970926/0000 967.00
> GING 970926/0600 958.00
> GING 970926/1200 927.00
> GING 970926/1800 916.00
> GING 970927/0000 892.00
> GING 970927/0600 892.00
> GING 970927/1200 898.00
> GING 970927/1800 904.00
> GING 970928/0000 927.00
> GING 970928/0600 933.00
> GING 970928/1200 933.00
> GING 970928/1800 933.00
> GING 970929/0000 944.00
> GING 970929/0600 949.00
> GING 970929/1200 954.00
> GING 970929/1800 963.00
> GING 970930/0000 967.00
> GING 970930/0600 967.00
> GING 970930/1200 976.00
> GING 970930/1800 980.00
>So the file is there.
>I set up gdplot as follows:
> GDFILE Grid file /home/ua/levine/gingerpvdat.gem
> GDATTIM Grid date/time 970922/1200
> GLEVEL Grid level 350
> GVCORD Grid vertical coordinate thta
> PANEL Panel loc/color/dash/width/regn 0
> SKIP Skip_cntr/skip_plt_x;skip_plt_y /1;1
> SCALE Scalar scale / vector scale 6/-.9999
> GFUNC Scalar grid pvth
> CTYPE Contour type: C/F c/f
> CONTUR Subbox/smooth 5
> CINT Contour interval/min/max 1
> LINE Color/type/width/label/smth/fltr 32/1/2
> FINT Fill interval/min/max 50/1
> FLINE Fill colors 31;2
> HILO Color/symbol/rng/rad/cnt/intp 32/H#1;L#1///5
> HLSYM HILO txt size/posn/font/wdth/hw //23
> CLRBAR Color/ornt/anch/x;y/ln;wd/freq
> GVECT Vector grid wnd
> WIND Wind symbol/siz/wdth/typ/hdsz am8/.5///.5
> REFVEC Mag;x;y;txtsiz/font/wdth/HW;labl 10;.80;.02
> TITLE Title color/line/title 4
> TEXT Size/fnt/wdth/brdr/N-rot/just/hw 1
> CLEAR Clear screen flag YES
> GAREA Graphics area 0;135;50;-175
> PROJ Map projection/angles/margins|dr ced
> MAP Map color/dash/width/filter flag 32/1/1
> LATLON Line color/dash/width/label/inc 4/10/1/1/10;10
> DEVICE Device|name|x size;y size|color xw
> STNPLT Txtc/txt attr|marker attr|stnfil 32/|32/24|/home/ua/levine/gingert
> rk.gem
>So, I want to print out the TC symbol with marker color 32. When I run
>the program, the plot prints, but the marker does not plot.
>How can I fix this so the marker can print out? I would appreciate any
>help you could offer.