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20010711: code errors, station table correction
- Subject: 20010711: code errors, station table correction
- Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 15:41:43 -0600
Scott and Steve,
1) Several routines reference RMISSD but have not included GEMPRM.PRM:
I added "INCLUDE 'GEMPRM.PRM'" to all these routines.
2) f90: Warning: intaxs.f, line 494:
Variable IFRQ is used before its value has been defined
also occurs in: gdtxta.f line 503
The test below will never succeed
IF ( ifrq (1) .eq. IMISSD .and. nxlbl .gt. 11 )
+ ilbfrq = nxlbl / 11 + 1
3) f90: Warning: macgwa.f, line 127:
Variable LENGTH is used before its value has been defined:
Presumably line 127 (128 after adding GEMPRM.PRM include) should be:
ELSE IF ( lensf(1) .gt. 4) THEN
4) snedit routine snep2s.f
f90: Warning: snep2s.f, line 61: Variable YYIPRM is used before its
value has been defined
stdata(ind) = PR_KNMS ( parr(yyiprm) )
stdata(ind) = PR_KNMS ( parr(iprm) )
5) Discrepancy in station tables between "AUD" and "ADU".
Both the above entries appear in station tables as "AUDUBORN IOWA".
KADU is AUDUBON IA (note the spelling is not Auduborn: ADU appears spelled
correctly in some of the newer tables), while KAUD is AUDUBON PARK LA according
I have changed the entries here to:
ADU 999999 AUDUBON IA US 4170 -9492 392 0
AUD 999999 AUDUBON PARK LA US 2993 -9013 2 0
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User SUpport