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20010517: problem with colors using gpmap
- Subject: 20010517: problem with colors using gpmap
- Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 11:09:26 -0600
For the gpmap script below, you haven't set LUTFIL, so it looks like you
have gotten gray from somewhere else.
Try setting: LUTFIL=default
Are you launching NMAP and NMAP2 from ntl? If not, then you won't have the
shared color map segment for use with the other programs. Make sure you
are running ntl to launch the GUIs.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
>From: Wanhong Wang <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200105171511.f4HFBgp27991
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Hey Steve,
>I installed the new Gempak 5.6.C.1 on our RedHat Linux 7.0 server and
>to display radar maps. The NMAP and NMAP2 work fine, but gpmap with
>xw and gf devices has problem with colors, gpmap with gif device doesn't
>work. Is it problem with video driver ?
>Following is a simple scripts and maps with gf and gif drive.
>I will appreciate your help.
>Wanhong Wang
>Wanhong Wang, IS Tech Support Spec III.....email: address@hidden
>Ag. Weather Center
>243 Ag. Engineering Bldg.....................phone: 859-257-7381 ext 243
>Dept. of Biosystems and Ag. Engr.
>University of Kentucky
>Lexington, KY 40546-0276
> 1. gpmap script
>#!/bin/csh -f
>source ~gempak/Gemenviron
>cd ~gempak/scripts/TEST
>set latest_N0S = `ls /ldmdata/nexrad/NIDS/JKL/N0S|tail -1`
>set device = "gf|nids_gf.gif"
>gpmap << EOF
>MAP = 5/1/1
>GAREA = dset
>PROJ = rad
>RADFIL = /ldmdata/nexrad/NIDS/JKL/N0S/${latest_N0S}
>PANEL = 0
>TITLE = 1/-2
>TEXT = 1.2/23/1/hw
>CLEAR = y
>DEVICE = ${device}
>\$mapfil = hipowo.gsf
>2. GPMAP with xw and gf devices
>3. GPMAP with gif device
>Content-Type: multipart/related;
> boundary="------------B0CFA33C7F3BDE2F06EE4D54"
>Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
><!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
>Hey Steve,
><p>I installed the new Gempak 5.6.C.1 on our RedHat Linux 7.0 server and
><br>to display radar maps. The NMAP and NMAP2 work fine, but gpmap
><br>xw and gf devices has problem with colors, gpmap with gif device doesn't
><br>work. Is it problem with video driver ?
><br>Following is a simple scripts and maps with gf and gif drive.
><p>I will appreciate your help.
><p>Wanhong Wang<font size=-1></font>
><p><font size=-1>=============================================================
> ==============</font><font size=-1></font>
><p><font size=-1>Wanhong Wang, IS Tech Support Spec III.....email:
><br><font size=-1>Ag. Weather Center</font>
><br><font size=-1>243 Ag. Engineering Bldg.....................phone: 859-257-
> 7381
>ext 243</font><font size=-1></font>
><p><font size=-1>Dept. of Biosystems and Ag. Engr.</font>
><br><font size=-1>University of Kentucky</font>
><br><font size=-1>Lexington, KY 40546-0276</font>
><br><font size=-1>============================================================
> ===============</font><font size=-1></font>
><p> 1. gpmap script
><p><font size=-1>#!/bin/csh -f</font>
><br><font size=-1>source ~gempak/Gemenviron</font>
><br><font size=-1>cd ~gempak/scripts/TEST</font>
><br><font size=-1>set latest_N0S = `ls /ldmdata/nexrad/NIDS/JKL/N0S|tail
>-1`</font><font size=-1></font>
><p><font size=-1>set device = "gf|nids_gf.gif"</font><font size=-1></font>
><p><font size=-1>gpmap << EOF</font>
><br><font size=-1>MAP = 5/1/1</font>
><br><font size=-1>GAREA = dset</font>
><br><font size=-1>PROJ = rad</font>
><br><font size=-1>RADFIL = /ldmdata/nexrad/NIDS/JKL/N0S/${latest_N
> 0S}</font>
><br><font size=-1>LATLON = 0</font>
><br><font size=-1>PANEL = 0</font>
><br><font size=-1>TITLE = 1/-2</font>
><br><font size=-1>TEXT = 1.2/23/1/hw</font>
><br><font size=-1>CLEAR = y</font>
><br><font size=-1>DEVICE = ${device}</font>
><br><font size=-1>\$mapfil = hipowo.gsf</font><font size=-1></font>
><p><font size=-1>r</font><font size=-1></font>
><p><font size=-1>e</font>
><br><font size=-1>EOF</font><font size=-1></font>
><p><font size=-1>gpend</font><font size=-1></font>
><p>2. GPMAP with xw and gf devices<font size=-1></font>
><p><img SRC="cid:part1.3B03E97C.FC56170@ca.uky.edu" height=604 width=806>
><p>3. GPMAP with gif device
><p><img SRC="cid:part2.3B03E97C.FC56170@ca.uky.edu" height=612 width=792>
><br> </html>