>From: "Glenn Rutledge" <address@hidden> >Organization: NCDC >Keywords: 200105031513.f43FDwp17256 > > > Steve, > Thanks much for the redbook soultions. It's now finally working. I've > just been asked if I can plot the attached "redbook" graphic file NCDC > receives form the NWS OSO servers (I think). I can't make any sense of > the data just looking at it (don't know how the create these files, or > wheter they even have headers- I think they concatenate many products > into single files). > > My questions is, how would you try and run the redbook "decoder" on this > file? Thx much Glenn > > > Glenn, The GEMPAK redbook graphics library routines are not set up to look for more than 1 product in a file. Also, as you suspected, the file you sent doesn't contain a transmission header like the products on the NOAAPORT broadcast do, so my dcredbook program isn't going to solve your problem. The best solution I can offer you is a short program to dump out the individual redbook graphics products from what I found by looking through the file you sent me. Its an example- you might have to tweak later depending on your data files since I only had a small sample of data to look at. After you dump out the individual redbook graphics to separate files, you can either use dcredbook on each individually to create a separate vgf file, or use GPMAP to draw each graphic to a common or separate files. The attatchment you sent me had 4 redbook products contained within it. The products (not really a coherent set of products!) were: 1) severe weather reports 2) day2 convective outlook 3) 96 hour 500mb heigh lables 4) 72 hour 500mb heigh lables The separator between each product seemed to be: #### some_numbers #### So, I created the attatched parse.c program (compile with cc -o parse parse.c) to take the pieces (keying on the 4 "#" characters) and wrap them with a FOS header and trailer and dump out to separate files. Running "parse glenn.dat" (glenn.dat was your attatched file) gives me 4 files: 7408 May 15 12:43 redbook_0.dat 1110 May 15 12:43 redbook_1.dat 6652 May 15 12:43 redbook_2.dat 6478 May 15 12:43 redbook_3.dat From here, I can run each through dcredbook to create vgf files: % set FILES=`ls redbook_*.dat` % foreach FILE ($FILES) % cat $FILE | dcredbook_vg -d - 'VG|%P-YYYYMMDDHH.vgf' % end Or, here is an example script for running GPMAP (set the DEVICE to xw, vg etc depending on your needs!) #!/bin/csh -f # # Sample script to plot all files named redbook_*.dat using gpmap. # Each redbook graphic file will be plotted in a separate color. set FILES=`ls redbook_*.dat` @ CNT = 0 @ LINE_COLOR = 6 foreach FILE ($FILES) if($CNT == 0) then set CLEAR=yes else set CLEAR=no endif gpmap << EOF MAP = 1 GAREA = AFNA PROJ = str/90;-105;0 SATFIL = RADFIL = LATLON = 0 PANEL = 0 TITLE = 1 TEXT = 1 CLEAR = $CLEAR DEVICE = XW LUTFIL = STNPLT = VGFILE = AFOSFL = AWPSFL = $FILE LINE = $LINE_COLOR WATCH = WARN = HRCN = ISIG = LTNG = ATCF = AIRM = NCON = SVRL = r e EOF @ CNT = $CNT + 1 @ LINE_COLOR = $LINE_COLOR - 1 if($LINE_COLOR == 1) @ LINE_COLOR = 30 end ############### end of csh script ################## Hope this helps. Steve Chiswell Unidata User SUpport
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fd,ofd=0,outnum=0; int cnt=0,seq=0; int INPROD=0; char buf[80], filnm[256]; static const char *FOS_HEAD="\001\015\015\012999 \015\015\012"; static const char *FOS_TRAILER="\015\015\012\003"; static int FOSHLEN=11,FOSTLEN=4; fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY); while(read(fd,buf,1) > 0) { if(buf[0] == '#') seq++; else seq=0; if(seq == 4) { printf("found start %d\n",cnt); INPROD++; } if(INPROD == 2) { if(ofd == 0) { sprintf(filnm,"redbook_%d.dat\0",outnum); outnum++; ofd = open(filnm, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH); write(ofd,FOS_HEAD,FOSHLEN-1); } else write(ofd, buf, 1); } if(INPROD == 3) { write(ofd,FOS_TRAILER,FOSTLEN); close(ofd); ofd = 0; INPROD = 1; } cnt++; } if(ofd != 0) { write(ofd,FOS_TRAILER,FOSTLEN); close(ofd); } printf("look cnt %d\n",cnt); }
Description: glenn.dat