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20010509: Postscript problem
- Subject: 20010509: Postscript problem
- Date: Wed, 09 May 2001 14:15:47 -0600
Your "gpend" command in the script is commented out.
Until gpend is run, you have not flushed out the drawing commands
and added the postscript trailer to showpage. Recall that you could run
more gempak programs to overlay additional data to your postscript
file, so the driver is not expecting to finish the plot until gpend is run.
You should also move the gpend command inside the loop since you are
drawing a separate postscript file for each iteration. You can do this
immediately after your EOF tag, or before your "end" of the while loop.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
>From: address@hidden
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200105091841.f49IfVp01652
>Hi --
>I have encountered an intermittent problem with gempak. Not sure
>if it applies to all programs, but my application is GDWIND.
>The problem is that the postscript output file is incomplete. About
>3 out of 4 tries, the file is half the size it should be -- about 250Kb
>vs 450Kb and the postscript printer just quits on processing. An
>examination of the postscript file itself shows the file stops part
>way through a line without any showpage or similar ends to
>postscript. It is as if a output buffer wasn't being emptied upon
>completion of processing.
>The attachment is a script file that is supposed to make five files,
>but the problem is the same if I run GDWIND from the command
>line and make only one file.
>I am running on a Sun Solaris.
>Any hint at what I might be doing wrong?
>Thanks in advance,
>John M. Hobbie
>National Scientific Balloon Facility
>====================script file==============
>#!/bin/csh -f
>source /export/home/gempak/GEMPAK_5.6/Gemenviron
>set GDFIL=`ls $GEMDATA/hds/*mrftest.gem | tail -1`
>echo "Using file $GDFIL"
>echo " "
>echo "Enter the starting hour of the forecast. eg. 24 or 30"
>set TIME = $<
>@ INC = 0
>while ( $INC < 5)
>set GTIME = f0${TIME}
>set PSFILE = 42mb${TIME}.ps
>echo "Processing $PSFILE"
>#MAPFIL= hicnus.nws + histus.nws
>gdwind <<EOF
> GLEVEL=50:30
> GAREA=tx
> SKIP=0
> MAP=31
> TITLE=1/-2/42mb Wind Forecast Valid: ~
> PROJ=lcc
> CLEAR=yes
> SCALE=999
> TEXT=1/22/1/HW
>@ TIME += 6
>@ INC += 1