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20010501: Sample case study data set
- Subject: 20010501: Sample case study data set
- Date: Wed, 2 May 2001 11:04:43 -0600
The login information is:
login: gbuddy
password: XXXXXX
The COMET case library is full of convective events
(see http://www.joss.ucar.edu/cometCases/) with data
in GEMPAK format. I haven't put together any other
examples- but they are all compatible with our release.
I put together this sample of case 19 fields as an example
of how to set up the case study data for use with
the GUI programs (to complement the use of realtime data).
There are more fields (other radar products/sites), other products
etc. on the CODIAC server for this case. Of course, the main thing is
getting the files and directories set up so that the GUIs can
find the files.
My goal here will be to build the NMAP tutorial showing how to use
some of the features of the software, and how to lay out the directories
so that you can use the same configuration as the realtime data sets.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
On Wed, 2 May 2001, Curtis James wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> For some reason, I have forgotten or misplaced the gbuddy password.
> Could you please remind me what it is?
> I am anxious to take a look at your case study package. Have you
> compiled any other GEMPAK datasets for any other convective storm
> events in the COMET archive?
> Thanks,
> Curtis James
> ______________________________ Reply Separator
> _________________________________
> Subject: 20010501: Sample case study data set
> Author: Steve Chiswell <address@hidden> at Internet-mail
> Date: 5/1/01 3:04 PM
> GEMPAK users,
> I have created an abbreviated data set from COMET case study #19
> (Oklahoma City Tornado) as a sample for using retrospective
> data in GEMPAK.
> This data set can be downloaded by FTP from the gbuddy/data_sets
> directory as case19.tar.gz. To unpack the tarfile after downloading,
> run "gunzip -c case19.tar.gz | tar xvf -". This will create a
> directory called case19.
> To view the data in this case study tree:
> 1) exit out of ntl if it is already running
> 2) source your $NAWIPS/Gemenviron setup if you haven't already
> 3) cd to the case19 directory
> 4) execute "run_ntl_case19.csh" to launch the ntl application bar
> with environmental variables set for the case19 datatree.
> 5) When viewing data in NMAP2 or Garp, use the "Set Time"
> option to select the desired viewing time (This data set covers
> May 3-4 1999).
> The files in the data set follow the template names in the current
> GEMPAK 5.6.C distribution. For more information, see the README file in the
> distribution.
> Steve Chiswell
> Unidata User Support