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20010228: GEMPAK: METAR&SYNOP for Europe and Canada: cumulated precip?
- Subject: 20010228: GEMPAK: METAR&SYNOP for Europe and Canada: cumulated precip?
- Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 16:54:39 -0700
>From: Christian Page <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200102280851.f1S8p4L21505
>Is there a possibility, with GEMPAK, to plot cumulated precip and snow
>accumulation, as well as snow depth, for Europe and/or Canada? Is it possible
> to
>do that using METARs? Or SYNOPs?
>Thanks a lot again,
>Christian Page
The dclsfc decoder for land synoptic reports decodes both SNOW and SNEW
SFPARM variables. Precip PxxM is also decoded where the xx is a period
of accumulation depending on which synoptic hour.
The SNOW variable is something that is decoded in dcmetr, but I don't see many
Canadian stations decoded, so there may be differences in how each contry codes
metars. Precip is decoded.
So, it appears that the synoptioc reports are probably your best bet.
I plotted SNOW and SNEW for Canada and Europe lsfc today and do see
values plotted.
Steve Chiswell