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20001220: override max frames in group in NTRANS?
- Subject: 20001220: override max frames in group in NTRANS?
- Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 12:54:36 -0700
>From: address@hidden (Chris Hennon)
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200012201919.eBKJJ0o05273
>Can you manually override the 50 frame limit per group in NTRANS? I would
>like to display twice daily data over a continuous month. Why are we
>limited to 50 frames? Thanks.
>| Chris Hennon Ohio State University |
>| Tropical Meteorology address@hidden |
>| |
>| Dept of Geography Office: 1155 Derby Hall |
>| 1036 Derby Hall Phone : (614) 292-2704 |
>| Columbus, OH 43210 Fax : (614) 292-6213 |
The MAXFRAMES limit is set to 500 in $NAWIPS/nprogs/ntrans/include/defs.h.
I think you may be running up against the value of 50 for the number of
ValidTimes defined in $NAWIPS/nprogs/ntrans/include/panel.h:
char ValidTimeString[50][15];
That string array is holding 50 strings of 15 characters.
You can try increasing the number of time strings up to MAXFRAMES.
I'll have to look at this later to see if it causes and other problems.
Steve Chiswell