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20001211: X86 version of GEMPAK
- Subject: 20001211: X86 version of GEMPAK
- Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 10:18:07 -0700
The X86 binaries were compiled with the SUNWspro compilers. Some of those
symbols are in the libsunmath.a library, others in libF77.a.
You probably are out of luck trying to link with g77.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
>From: Peter Neilley <address@hidden>
>Organization: NCAR/RAP
>Keywords: 200012111659.eBBGxLo23584
>I'm trying to compile some code that uses the GEMPAK libraries, in
>particular the X86 version of the libraries. I grabbed the latest
>available X86 gempak libraries from the Unidata GEMPAK ftp site, but
>have run into trouble linking against those libraries. I suspect the
>issue has to do with differences in compilers used, or compiler options
>used and wonder if you have any ideas/guidance in resolving them. I
>am trying to avoid doing a local x86 gempak build since I really just
>need to use a few GEMPAK library routines.
>The first type of error I get is like this:
>ld: warning: symbol `dmdmgt_' has differing alignments:
> (file /weather/lib/x86/gemlib.a(dmclos.o) value=0x8; file /weather/lib
> /x86/gemlib.a(dmrch4.o) value=0x4);
> largest value applied
>(There's hundreds of these type of errors).
>The second error is a bunch of undefined symbols (look like math/system symbol
> s), e.g.
>Undefined first referenced
> symbol in file
>__do_u_in /weather/lib/x86/gemlib.a(flread.o)
>__s_rsFe_nv /weather/lib/x86/gemlib.a(ermmsg.o)
>__do_f_out_nv /weather/lib/x86/gemlib.a(erlmsg.o)
>__f_clos /weather/lib/x86/gemlib.a(flclos.o)
>__f_back /weather/lib/x86/gemlib.a(flbksp.o)
>__do_f_in_nv /weather/lib/x86/gemlib.a(stctoi.o)
>__e_wdue /weather/lib/x86/gemlib.a(flwrit.o)
>__i_len /weather/lib/x86/gemlib.a(stabbr.o)
>__pow_ii /weather/lib/x86/bridge.a(rarhdr.o)
>__nintf /weather/lib/x86/bridge.a(rumand.o)
>__do_u_out /weather/lib/x86/gemlib.a(flwrit.o)
>__e_rsfe /weather/lib/x86/gemlib.a(ermmsg.o)
>__e_rsfi /weather/lib/x86/gemlib.a(stctoi.o)
>__s_cat /weather/lib/x86/bridge.a(rarhdr.o)
>__f_inqu_nv /weather/lib/x86/gemlib.a(flinqr.o)
>__i_shft /weather/lib/x86/gemlib.a(dpudif.o)
>__s_cmp /weather/lib/x86/bridge.a(rarhdr.o)
>__s_wsFi_nv /weather/lib/x86/gemlib.a(stinch.o)
>__i_indx /weather/lib/x86/bridge.a(ruppbb.o)
>__pow_ri /weather/lib/x86/gemlib.a(dpsetp.o)
>__f_open_nv /weather/lib/x86/gemlib.a(fldopn.o)
>__s_wdue_nv /weather/lib/x86/gemlib.a(flwrit.o)
>__s_rsFi_nv /weather/lib/x86/gemlib.a(stctoi.o)
>__e_wsfe /weather/lib/x86/gemlib.a(erlmsg.o)
>__e_wsfi /weather/lib/x86/gemlib.a(stinch.o)
>__s_copy /weather/lib/x86/bridge.a(rarhdr.o)
>__i_conv_c /weather/lib/x86/gemlib.a(stlcuc.o)
>__s_wsFe_nv /weather/lib/x86/gemlib.a(erlmsg.o)
>__c_conv_i /weather/lib/x86/gemlib.a(stintg.o)
>__s_rdue_nv /weather/lib/x86/gemlib.a(flread.o)
>I suspect the undefined symbols might get resolved by using an appropriate
>compiler switch regarding underscoring, but I'm stumped on the former errors.
>What compiler was the X86 gempak libraries built with? What switches?
>I'm using the GNU family of compilers.
>Thanks for any assistance.
>Peter Neilley
>Dr. Peter P. Neilley
>Research Applications Program
>National Center for Atmospheric Research
>3450 Mitchell Lane
>PO Box 3000
>Boulder, CO 80307-3000
>(303) 497-8446