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20001207: Gempak5.6 color tables
- Subject: 20001207: Gempak5.6 color tables
- Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 14:44:10 -0700
The GEMCOLTBL environmental variable was something I provided in GEMPAK 5.4
in $GEMPAKHOME/source/driver/active/gn/csctbl.c to override the
default color table (now coltbl.xwp when ntl isn't running).
I haven't added that feature into GEMPAK 5.6 since it won't work with all
the device drivers.
Instead, you can set the colors using the gempak program gpcolor.
You can either set the colors explicitly, or use a short nawk script
such as the following to set the colors from your coltbl.precip table.
This scripts can either be within your script, or made into an
external script for calling from lots of scripts.
#!/bin/csh -f
# this csh script fragment can be used to create an input file for gpcolor
# from a coltbl file.
set FILE="$GEMTBL/colors/coltbl.precip"
set DEVICE=xw
nawk -v COUNT=0 -v LINE=0 -v GDEV=${DEVICE}\
'index($0,"\!") != 1 { \
if(COUNT == 0) printf "DEVICE = %s\n",GDEV \
if(LINE == 0) { printf "COLORS = "} else { printf ";"} \
printf "%d=%d:%d:%d",COUNT,$3,$4,$5 \
if(LINE == 5) { \
printf "\n r \n \n" \
LINE = 0 \
} \
else LINE = LINE + 1 \
} ' $FILE >! /tmp/setcols.$$
cat >> /tmp/setcols.$$ << EOF
gpcolor < /tmp/setcols.$$
rm /tmp/setcols.$$
exit 0
Let me know if you still have trouble.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
>From: Mike Voss <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200012071928.eB7JSeo03656
>Hello Steve,
>I have recently installed Gempak5.6 on a Sun U-60 running Sol 2.7. I'm
>running some scripts developed on a Sun U-1 running Sol 2.6 and Gempak
>5.4, patch 16. For some reason I can't seem to get the scripts to read a
>custom color table. In other words in the script I use:
> setenv GEMCOLTBL coltbl.precip
>which works fine in gempak5.4, but not in my setup of gempak5.6...?
>I have verified that that the coltbl.precip file is in the correct place
>and I have tried explicitly setting GEMCOLTBL with the full path, but I
>seem to get a generic color table no matter what.(the rest of the script
>seems to work fine in terms of generating the correct info from the grid
>I have tried with device=gf and a virtual frame buffer, and with the new
>device=gif2 system with the same result. When I use device=xw I get the
>same colors alsoA.
>Here is a copy of my script in case it helps and some diagnostic info
>from my machine:
>#!/bin/csh -f
>#This script uses GEMPAK to make gif files of precip 500-1000mb hght and
> setenv DISPLAY methost15:1
> source /usr/local/gempak/gempak5.6/Gemenviron
># setenv GEMCOLTBL $GEMTBL/colors/coltbl.precip
> setenv GEMCOLTBL coltbl.precip
> set CURRENT_ETA=`ls -t $METDAT/grids/*_eta211.gem | head -1`
> cd /export/home/baggett/gempak/eta/ready
>if (-e sfc5f00.gif ) then
> rm -f sfc5*.gif*
>rm gemglb.nts
>set a=00 b=06 c=12 d=18 e=24 f=30 g=36 h=42 i=48 j=54 k=60
>foreach time($a $b $c $d $e $f $g $h $i $j $k)
>#set a=00 b=06
>#foreach time($a $b)
>set thing = f$time
>echo $thing
> gdplot<< EOF
> restore sfc5.nts
> gdfile=$CURRENT_ETA
> gdattim=$thing
> title=1/-1!1/-2!1/-3
># device=gf|sfc5$thing.gif|760;540
> device=gf|sfc5$thing.gif|760;540
> clear=y
> text=1/2/1/hw
> title=1/-3/@ 6hr. Precip.(in.)!1/-2/ 1000-500mb Thickness(m)!1/-1/
>Valid ~ UTC
> r
> e
>rm gemglb.nts
>other diagnostics run from where the script is run:
>methost15:~/gempak/eta/ready>echo $GEMTBL
>methost15:~/gempak/eta/ready>cd $GEMTBL
>bounds/ config/ grid/ loop/ nafos/ pack/ pgen/ sat/
>colors/ draw/ grphgd/ luts/ nmap/ parms/ rad/ stns/
>methost15:/usr/local/gempak/gempak5.6/gempak/tables>cd colors
>coltbl.1 coltbl.psc coltbl.ramp coltbl.xwp
>coltbl.precip coltbl.psg coltbl.tbl cvtclr.psc
>! COLTBL.precip
>!Custom color table for Precip
>!Color name Abrev Red Green Blue X color name
>BLACK BLA 0 0 0 black
>WHITE VAN 255 255 255 white
>RED RED 255 0 0 red
>BLUE BLU 0 0 255 blue
>p1 T18 102 000 102 p1
>p2 T19 153 000 153 p2
>p3 T20 204 000 204 p3
>p4 T21 255 000 255 p4
>p5 T22 000 000 179 p5
>p6 T23 076 076 255 p6
>p7 T24 000 179 000 p7
>p8 T25 076 255 076 p8
>p9 T26 179 179 000 p9
>p10 T27 255 255 000 p10
>p11 P11 179 000 000 p11
>p14 P14 255 076 076 p14
>p15 P15 179 179 179 p15
>TEMP04 T04 000 255 255 temp04
>TEMP05 T05 000 230 204 temp05
>TEMP06 T06 000 204 127 temp06
>TEMP07 T07 000 179 000 temp07
>TEMP23 T23 127 000 255 temp23
>TEMP24 T24 000 000 255 temp24
>TEMP25 T25 000 089 255 temp25
>TEMP26 T26 000 124 255 temp26
>TEMP27 T27 000 191 255 temp27
>thanks for any clues you might have,
>Mike Voss
>Department of Meteorology
>San Jose State University
>One Washington Square
>San Jose, CA 95192-0104
>408.924.5204 voice
>408.924.5191 fax