Luis, There is a problem with the old code setting the size of the integers in the McIDAS area directory to "longs". They should be "ints". Eg, 32 bits on all machines. The Alpha is setting these to 64 bits, so that the directory is being incoreectly interpreted. I have attatched a tarfile called areainfo.tar. You can unpack this tarfile from the $NAWIPS directory with: tar xvf areainfo.tar This will unpack the corrected files under the directory unidata/programs/areainfo. You can then rebuild this routine with: cd $NAWIPS/unidata/programs/areainfo make clean make all make install make clean This code change should be transparent for all the other platforms. Steve Chiswell Unidata User Support On Thu, 16 Nov 2000, Unidata Support wrote: > > ------- Forwarded Message > > >To: address@hidden > >From: Luis Farfan <address@hidden> > >Subject: Making mcidas-garp links > >Organization: UCAR/Unidata > >Keywords: 200011152331.eAFNV8o24420 > > Steve, > > I have installed the version 5.6 of gempak on our OSF1/4.0F system. > > We also have ldm and mcidas running there, then there is real-time data > that can come to us from the data stream. I am testing the reception and > decoding of GOES satellite imagery. So far, we can get AREA-type files in > the mcidas data directory. Since the data structure of the satellite > imagery for garp and mcidas are different, I know that there is a script > called "nsat_link" which helps in the creation of the proper links for the > imagery display with garp. > > I did not find such file in the distribution file (gempak_upc5.6.tar.gz) > used to build gempak on our machine. So, I took the file from the previous > version of the code (gempak54upc_pl17.tar.gz) and, after the correct > location of directories, executed it. There is a problem during the > execution of the script and this happens in the line that calls the > program ($NAWIPS/unidata/programs/areainfo) areaInfo. > > The execution of that program with an AREA file results in the following: > areaInfo AREA0120 > Unknown type 1241513984 > So, something may be wrong with my areaInfo program or with the AREA file. > > I had the chance to test the performance of areaInfo in another system. > This was an IRIX64 machine where gempak was installed sometime ago. I > brought a copy of my AREA file and tested their areaInfo program: > areaInfo AREA0120 > VIS_001114_2100 GOES-10 4km > > This suggests that something may wrong in the gempak built on my OSF1 > system. Could you please help on the solution of this problem? > > Thank you, Luis M Farfan. > > > ------- End of Forwarded Message > >
Description: areaInfo tarfile