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20000829: 20000828: Map analyses
- Subject: 20000829: 20000828: Map analyses
- Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 16:10:44 -0600
from looking at your cron entry:
5,35 * * * * /export/home/gempak/scripts/LDM/oasurf.csh us-
I would suspect that this script is creating the objective analysis
of surface data that you will be contouring.
Since your early AM map had contours of temperature with temperature
scale around 100 degrees for Kansas, that leads me to believe that
the contoured data was for late afternoon or evening (the previous day
Several possibilities:
1) The map plotting script was incorrectly selecting the gridded
data file for which to contour the grid. If you picked
yesterday's grid file and used gdattim=last for instance,
you would probably get 23Z contours.
2) The gridding script was failing to produce current objective
analysis files.
You should check your map plotting script to see what file gdcntr is
looking for to plot the filled color contours of teperature, and
see if it is the file you expect. Then check the gdattim setting
to make sure it is the same time as that which you are using in sfmap for
overlaying the station model plot.
Steve Chiswell
>From: Tom Priddy <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200008291845.e7TIjNN07927
>From: Tom Priddy
>Forgive me for sending maps of different times and discussing the difference
>in analysis. But the fact is that our linux maps for the same time are far
>different than our unix gempak maps. Based on your comments..I've
>got to figure out how the temp grid and plotted data are being wrongly
>accessed. Here's what our crontab looks like to run the hourly maps;
># Create grid file(s)
>5,35 * * * * /export/home/gempak/scripts/LDM/oasurf.csh us-
>"tmpf;dwpf;pmsl;relh;sknt;p03c;p03i" > /dev/null 2>&1
>30 21 * * * /export/home/gempak/scripts/LDM/oauper.csh us-- "tmpc;dpdc;hght;
> brbk"
>00 > /dev/null 2>&1
>34 21 * * * /export/home/gempak/scripts/LDM/oauper2.csh us--
>"tmpc;dpdc;hght;brbk" 00 > /dev/null 2>&1
>30 9 * * * /export/home/gempak/scripts/LDM/oauper.csh us-- "tmpc;dpdc;hght;
> brbk"
>12 > /dev/null 2>&1
>34 9 * * * /export/home/gempak/scripts/LDM/oauper2.csh us--
>"tmpc;dpdc;hght;brbk" 12 > /dev/null 2>&1
># Generate maps
>7,37 * * * * /export/home/gempak/scripts/LDM/do_allsfcmaps.cro > /dev/null
> 2>&1
>15,45 * * * * /export/home/gempak/scripts/LDM/sfc_nafront.csh > /dev/null 2>
> &1
>dalton% pg do_allsfcmaps.cro
># This file calls upon the scripts that produce various weather maps each
># hour. They are called sequentially from this file and are run twice an hour.
># Appoximate run time for the entire list: 10 minutes
>/export/home/gempak/scripts/LDM/sfc_region.csh ky
>/export/home/gempak/scripts/LDM/sfc_region.csh allus
>Unidata Support wrote:
>> >From: Tom Priddy <address@hidden>
>> >Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>> >Keywords: 200008291421.e7TELiN22834
>> >From: Tom Priddy
>> >
>> >....on a different concern: We now have our linux system up with ldm and
>> >gempak.
>> >A look at this morning's 9:00am temperature/isobaric anal on our unix syste
> m
>> >compared
>> >to our linux system show to very different maps. I've enclosed both
>> >maps....latestusa.gif
>> >is from the unix gempak system......latestusb.gif is from the linux gempak
> sys
>> > tem.
>> >
>> >Any ideas why these two maps are different...when we are using the same scr
> ipt
>> > s
>> >on both gempak systems? The linux maps doesn't indicate any of the 30's, 4
> 0's
>> > and
>> >
>> >50's in NW US...while the unix map does? Help!
>> >
>> Tom,
>> I looked at the 2 gifs you refer to.
>> First, I noticed that the latestusa.gif map says 9AM while the latestusb.gif
>> says 8AM, so from the start, we are probably out in left field.
>> The latestusb.gif shows a 34 degree temperature plotted in Montana which
>> seems reasonable. The temperature contours do not seem to match this time
>> of day however. First, they imply 70's in Montana, and more importantly
>> 100s in Kansas. Those temperatures in Kansas are more representative of
>> the daytime highs for the 28th, and not 8AM on the 29th. So, it would
>> appear that your temperature grid is not the same time as the plotted data.
>> Steve Chiswell
>> ****************************************************************************
>> Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
>> (303)497-8644 P.O. Box 3000
>> address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Unidata WWW Service http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
>> ****************************************************************************
>Tom Priddy, Extension Ag. Meteorologist.....email: address@hidden
>Ag. Weather Center.............................fax: 606-257-5671
>243 Ag. Engineering Bldg.....................phone: 606-257-8803 ext 245
>Dept. of Biosystems and Ag. Engr.
>University of Kentucky
>Lexington, KY 40546-0276