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20000810: Satellite imagery with Garp
- Subject: 20000810: Satellite imagery with Garp
- Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 15:45:12 -0600
You probably need to configure the $GARPHOME/config/Garp_defaults
file for your 4 digit YYYY entries - the default configuration
was for the 2 digit years.
Make sure the satT entry you are using is the YYYY entry:
satT : $(SATDIR)/%(platform)/%(resolution)/%(product)/*_@(YYYYMMDD)_@(HHNN)
The invalid month is probably a complaint about the MM getting set to 00.
If NSAT is viewing the data, then the directory structure sounds correct.
Also, you might want to shorten the sat key list to only the subdirectories you
have, eg,
sat : "$(G7) $(G8) $(G9) $(G10) $(GINI) $(COMPOSITE) $(GMS) $(MDR)
to something like:
sat : "$(G8) $(G10) $(FLOAT1) $(FLOAT2) $(SPOLE) $(GSOUND)"
since you don't have Goes-7, GMS, GINI, etc, there is no need to try to look in
them for data.
Once you are able to directly file your images into the SAT tree structure from
the LDM with
pnga2area, you wont have to run nsat_links anymore. You will have to set up
scour to
remove the old data though.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
>From: Local Data Manager <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200008102044.e7AKiHT17863
>Thanks. Those additions seem to be working, and we can now access the
>full suite of data through NSAT. However, GARP does not seem to be able
>to access the satellite imagery. We have nsat_links running, ans we
>can "see" the files in the directory listing. But when we select,
>and hit Display, we get error messages and GARP crashes and exits.
>The least telling of the messages is the ubiquitous:
>!!!!!Whoa!!!!!! Free() got a 0x0
>[2] Exit 1 netscape
>Perhaps of greater interest is the one that goes as:
>!!!!!Whoa!!!!!! Free() got a 0x0
>ch_to_int_time: Invalid month, -1
>What follows is my attempt to determine that the month was valid, and that
>nsat could indeed access it:
>Isentropic Highlander =>pwd
>Isentropic Highlander =>ls -ltr
>total 608
>-rw-r--r-- 1 ldm 607856 Aug 10 15:17 6.8_20000810_1915
>Isentropic Highlander => Invoke ... nsat
>###filename -- /asp/met/data/ldm/gempak/images/sat/GOES-8/8km/6.8/6.8_20000810
> _1915
>Isentropic Highlander => Invoke ... /asp/met/nawips/bin/sol/garp
>G A R P - v2.1 starting...
>!!!!!Whoa!!!!!! Free() got a 0x0
>ch_to_int_time: Invalid month, -1
>Ideas? Thanks.