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20000628: 20000627: 20000626: joining unidata, COMET case studies
- Subject: 20000628: 20000627: 20000626: joining unidata, COMET case studies
- Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 09:53:43 -0600
The profiler and ACARS data sets from FSL are transmitted in NetCDF format,
so the 2 GEMPAK decoders must link to to those routines.
If you have NetCDF installed on your system (available from our anonymous ftp
site under pub/netcdf) then you only have to define the location of the
include and library files in $NAWIPS/config/Makeinc.common using the
NETCDF and NETCDFINC variables.
If you don't have NeTCDF and/or don't need the NetCDF decoders, then you can
remove those directories from the $NAWIPS/uniata/ldmbridge/Makefile, eg:
DECODERS = dcgrib dcsynop dctrop dcwatch dcnldn dcstorm \
dcncprof dcacars
To simply:
DECODERS = dcgrib dcsynop dctrop dcwatch dcnldn dcstorm
I used to have the default build for GEMPAK not build those decoders since it
require the outside library....but most sites now use the dcncprof and
dcacars decoders, so I added them to the default build.
You can build now without them, and later if you need them, then
you can go into the individual ldmbridge directories and build them.
Sorry for the confusion...you're almost done.
Steve Chiswell
>From: Charles Jones <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200006290021.e5T0LaT05238
>hi Steve,
>i made some progress but it is not quite there yet.
>i make clean and then tried several make all. it stops trying to find
>some netcdf routines:
>any ideas?
>... .... .... .....
>Making all in /nfs/home/data184/cjones/gempak54/unidata
>making in /nfs/home/data184/cjones/gempak54/unidata/ldmbridge
>making in /nfs/home/data184/cjones/gempak54/unidata/ldmbridge/dcgrib
>(null command)
>making in /nfs/home/data184/cjones/gempak54/unidata/ldmbridge/dcsynop
>(null command)
>making in /nfs/home/data184/cjones/gempak54/unidata/ldmbridge/dctrop
>(null command)
>making in /nfs/home/data184/cjones/gempak54/unidata/ldmbridge/dcwatch
>(null command)
>making in /nfs/home/data184/cjones/gempak54/unidata/ldmbridge/dcnldn
>cd newsource; echo "making programs in newsource"; make -f make.progs
>making programs in newsource
>making in /nfs/home/data184/cjones/gempak54/unidata/ldmbridge/dcstorm
>(null command)
>making in /nfs/home/data184/cjones/gempak54/unidata/ldmbridge/dcncprof
>cc -DUNDERSCORE -DOSF1 -g -c -I/upc/netcdf/include -DGEMPAK
>cc: Severe: decode_ncprof.c, line 3: Cannot find file <netcdf.h>
>specified in #include directive. (noinclfile)
>#include <netcdf.h>
>*** Exit 1
>*** Exit 1
>*** Exit 1
>*** Exit 1
>Dr. Charles Jones
>Assistant Researcher
>Institute for Computational Earth System Science (ICESS)
>University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3060
>phone: (805) 893-5824
>fax: (805) 893-2578
>email: address@hidden
>URL: http://www.icess.ucsb.edu/~cjones