Walker, Since Peggy was at comet, I realy don't know much about what she stuck on their server- and don't really have any access to their distribution. Obviously Bob is the authority on that subject. One thing about Peggy was that she was a packrat and stuffed everything everywhere. The problem for me was always wading through the junk to find something. Since Peggy has not been here since 1995- thats about the most recent stuff that I would be able to track down. I was able to find a tarfile rtgrids.tar.Z which I have attatched to this message. I don't know if it is useful for you. Obviously, models have changed since 1995- but since you say you want to modify those type of scripts- I assume you are willing to wade through the clutter. I did also find a web reference to something called ro_rtgrids which mentioned a SOO at FGF: http://www.comet.ucar.edu/pub_html/sac_html/new/june96.html You might be able to follow up on the scripts from SOOs directly. Steve Chiswell Unidata User Support On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, Walker Ashley wrote: > Hello Steve, > I have been trying to get my hands on some scripts that I think Peggy > (partially?) authored a while back. These ntrans meta-file scripts were > available at one time on the soosac ftp server (I even tried the contrib > library), but Bob Rozumalski said they were no longer there. He instead > sent me the same scripts that are available with the gempak release. I was > wondering if you know where these scripts may be. I would love to get, > modify, and use them for synoptic meteorology class discussions. The page > (an old workshop page that Peggy put on) describing what I am talking about > is within the SOO/SAC homepage here: > > http://www.comet.ucar.edu/pub_html/sac_html/gempak/README/workshop/run.html > > In particular I am looking for these files: > rtdata/README.metdat > rtdata/README.rtgrids > rtdata/metdat.tar > rtdata/rtgrids.tar.Z > > Thanks for your help, > Walker > ----------------------------------------------------------------------- > Walker Ashley > Dept. of Geosciences > Bessey 214 > P.O. Box 880340 > Lincoln, NE 68588-0340 > address@hidden > http://incolor.inetnebr.com/walker/home.htm > ----------------------------------------------------------------------- >
Description: rtgrids