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19991216: Information on NSHARP and DCACARS
- Subject: 19991216: Information on NSHARP and DCACARS
- Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 09:38:06 -0700
I'm not sure what distribution you have downloaded from the SAC- I suspect
that it might be the Linux 6.0 binaries, which I did just provide
the executables to Bob Rozumalski because I also provided a complete
Linux 5.2 distribution with all the ancillary files and figured
if someone needed the 6.0 binaries then they could just extract them
over the standard linux 5.2 tarfile which shoule be available.
At any rate, I will attatch the $GEMTBL/pack/acars.pack and resource/Nsharp
You will want to edit the Nsharp resource file and define the data directory
locations. Also, the print capability uses the printer list defined in the
Ntrans resources. The acars pulldown will actually look for a $GEMDATA/acars
directory as the primary location for acars data.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, Unidata Support wrote:
> ------- Forwarded Message
> >To: address@hidden
> >From: James Hayes <address@hidden>
> >Subject: Information on NSHARP and DCACARS
> >Organization: .
> >Keywords: 199912160340.UAA03740
> Hi,
> My name is Jim Hayes and I am a forecaster here at the NWS office in Gray ME.
> I realize that, since I am not a licensed user, I may have no standing to ask
> the following questions. If not, please let me know and I will attempt to
> become a licensed user.
> I recently downloaded the N-AWIPS 5.4 pl12 distribution from the SOO/SAC FTP
> server. While untarring it, I noticed that the nsharp binary was there, as
> was
> the dcacars decoder.
> Unfortunately, the distribution did not include any of the resources needed
> for
> either binary.
> N-SHARP requires the resource file Nsharp, and I do not have this. Without
> it,
> I cannot configure the program to look in the correct locations for the data
> files. In addition, the window is too large to use, and the configuration of
> the size of the widgets probably lies in this file.
> Would it be possible to get a copy of the resource file? I can then make the
> changes I need to make N-SHARP operational in our N-AWIPS environment.
> We currently receive ACARS data from FSL via the LDM feed. I set up dcacars
> in
> my pqact.conf file (following the example I found on the GEMPAK decoders
> page),
> but I was not able to get the files to write correctly. Apparently, the lack
> of
> an acars.pack file is causing the error.
> Would it be possible to get a copy of this file as well?
> Thanks for your help,
> Jim Hayes
> National Weather Service
> Gray ME
> ------- End of Forwarded Message
!This table is the packing table used to create a merged sounding file.
!ALAT -90. 90. .00001
!ALON -180. 180. .00001
PRES 0. 1050. .01
HGHT -1000. 30000. .01
DRCT 0. 360. .01
SPED 0. 200. .01
TMPC -200. 200. .01
DWPC 0. 50. .01
VACC -100. 100. .01
SECS 0 61 1
MACH 0. 1. .00001
HEAD 0. 360. .01
TURB 0. 1000. .001
TURX 0. 1000. .001
ORIG 0 1679615. 1
DEST 0 1679615. 1
RPTS 0 1679615. 1
Nsharp.geometry: 230x120+155+0
Nsharp.title: SkewT Hodograph Analysis and Research Program
(V3.01 + UPC Mods)
Nsharp*drawing_widget.background: black
! printer panel
!Nsharp*printer_panel.noResize: True
Nsharp*printer_panel.allowOverlap: False
Nsharp*printer_panel.dialogTitle: Printer...
Nsharp*PrtName.columns: 19
Nsharp*PrtName.value: PS file only
Nsharp*PsflName.columns: 20
Nsharp*PsflName.value: nsharp.ps
Nsharp*TxtflName.columns: 20
Nsharp*TxtflName.value: nsharp.txt
! toplevel_form colors
Nsharp*background: grey75
Nsharp*foreground: black
Nsharp*fontList: -adobe-times-bold-r-normal-*-18-180-75-75-p-*-iso8859-1
! group panel colors
Nsharp*Mode*selectColor: blue
Nsharp*PrtOptions*selectColor: red
Nsharp*frame_list.background: wheat
Nsharp*search_nameW.background: wheat
Nsharp*Inc_textW.background: wheat
Nsharp*group_nameW.background: wheat
! printer background colors
Nsharp*Parcel*selectColor: blue
Nsharp*PrtName.background: wheat
Nsharp*PsflName.background: wheat
Nsharp*TxtflName.background: wheat
! The following three resources specify the default file to be opened for
! each data type. Since our data file names change every day, these resources
! are not very useful, and so I've commented them out. (PB 12/98)
!Nsharp*gemtext.value: /var/data/ldm/gempak/upperair/latest.gem
!Nsharp*acarstext.value: /var/data/ldm/gempak/acars/latest.gem
!Nsharp*pfctext.value: /NAWIPS/nawips0/curfiles/CURETAP
!Nsharp*mdltext.value: /NAWIPS/nawips0/curfiles/CURRUC2
! ACARS observation search radius
Nsharp*search_radius.value: 100km
! #########################################################################
! Data locations if environmental variables not found, default will search:
! $GEMDATA/upparair, $GEMDATA/acars, $HDS, respectively
! GEMPAK observed sounding data
Nsharp*obssndg_sel.pattern: /data/ldm/gempak/upperair/*upa*
Nsharp*acarsndg_sel.pattern: /data/ldm/gempak/acars/*acars*
! GEMPAK Point forecast model sounding data (from MODSND)
Nsharp*pfcsndg_sel.pattern: /data/ldm/gempak/upperair/*.snd
! GEMPAK model data
Nsharp*mdlsharp_sel.pattern: /data/ldm/gempak/hds/*.gem
! Archive/Ascii data
Nsharp*sharp_sel.pattern: /data/ldm/gempak/*
! ABOUT message text
*aboutBox.messageString: WELCOME TO:\n\
---------------- SHARP v3.01 -----------------\n\
Advanced Interactive Sounding Analysis Program for AWIPS.\n\
Version 3.01(beta) September
Written/Designed by:\n\
John Hart Jim Whistler\n\
Storm Prediction Center Aviation Weather Center\n\
This program is a BETA VERSION. Some routines are not\n\
Complete. Please use with caution.\n\
GEMPAK ACARS Data Display\n\n\
----------------------- Data Selection -------------------\n\
\"Change File\" Selects ACARS data file and displays reporting positions on
Time range for data display may be selected using \"ACARS Times:\" widget.\n\n\
Left Mouse button displays composite sounding for selected point in map.\n\
Right Mouse button displays sounding along track of aircraft nearest to point\n\
selected. Reporting track is displayed in map area with dotted line.\n\
Center mouse button outputs data at nearest reporting location.\n\n\
Use ZOOM button to select a subregion and redraw data using left mouse
UnZOOM restores displayed region to original area.\n\
Select OPTIONS button on main panel to toggle sounding overlay.\n\