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1999824: About data conversion...
- Subject: 1999824: About data conversion...
- Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 10:51:15 -0600
>From: "Jong-Nam Choi" <address@hidden>
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199908230037.SAA03082
>This is Jong-Nam Choi. I am a graduate student in the department of
>geography at the university of Georgia. Recently I downloaded
>datasets which is formatted by NETCDF file format.
>Problem is I need to convert NETCDF files to GEMPAK files.
>Unidata developed GEMPAK programs and NETCDF. Thus I hope you know
>how to convert. Please help me.
>Thank you in advance for your help.
>Jong-Nam Choi....
>Jong-Nam Choi
>Ph.D. Candidate
>Climatology Research Laboratory
>Dept. of Geography, University of Georgia.
>Athens, GA, 30602
>(Phone) 706-542-6060
Jong-Nam Choi,
Can you provide me with information on the type of data you
have stored in the NetCDF files?
If you have installed the NetCDF distribution, you can use the
ncdump utility to provide me with the information regarding the data
as follows:
ncdump -h your_netcdffile.cdf
If possible, please send me the output from "ncdump -h" as shown above
to provide us with the metadata regarding your data set.
Steve Chiswell