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19990708: Garp2.02
- Subject: 19990708: Garp2.02
- Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 13:33:23 -0600
Steve et al.,
I have built Garp 2.02 on all our platforms- here are the basic
picky things different compilers choke on:
1) In guiutil.c, function SetDefaultOptionButton is defined to
return an int, but does not set a return value if succeeds.
Added return 0; to end of function.
2) In stringtools.c,ToUpper and ToLower defined as returning int,
do not set return value if string == NULL. Changed to:
if ( string == NULL ) return 0;
3) In renderimg.c line 334, OSF flags the following line as undefined
*imgptr++ = *(imgptr - xwdth);
presumably, this is because imgptr may be incremented before its use
in the calculation. Everything appears to work using no optimization.
In time_cb.c,
void GetClockString ( char* timeformat, char *string )
timeformat is passed but never used. Presumably this will be used
in the call to
strftime ( string, 256, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S UTC %Y", timeptr);
The calling routine:
void UpdateStatusBar( WindowObjectType *wo )
Never initializes time_format leading to uninitialized pointer messages.
I added to the declaration:
char *time_format=NULL;
I can build on HPUX 11.0 but get a X_polyfillrect error upon launching
that is triggered by the xw.a routine xgsdat.c in the Atom interning.
I can run using a HPUX 10.20 binary...seems to be something HP might
have broken in the upgrade to Motif 2.1 and X11R6.3.
This may not be of concern to you since its a Gempak problem...
I ran into a problem displaying the GINI composite GMS/Meteosat/GOES
composite images on Channel 4 of NOAAport.
I found the following problems-
1) in $GEMPAKHOME/source/gemlib/im/imgi2gm.f:
The composite product is being sent with a satellite number=6
in Octet #2. There is no option for this...and it is not a documented
id in the interface control document I have. Don't know if its
supposed to be GMS, or just a composite flag. Anyhow, I added:
C* Set the satellite number. (Octet 2)
C* Value Sat
C* -----------------------
C* 6 GMS, METEOSAT, GOES composite
C* 10 GOES-7
C* 11 GOES-8
C* 12 GOES-9
C* 13 GOES-10
C* 14 GOES-11
C* 15 GOES-12
ELSE IF ( isat .eq. 6 ) THEN
imsorc = 70
I just used the source for Goes-E to use those defined color tables.
2) The lov value being transmitted in the header is 2492048
(octets 28-30), which corresponds to a clon = -110.7952.
The above clon results in an incorrect mapping. Looking at the
NESDIS documentation, this is supposed to be AWIPS 201 projection
which specifies clon=-105.000. I will ask Mary Glackin about the
discrepancy. I hardcoded the lov value 2550000 for this projection and
sector id #10 (Octet 3) temporarily.
Otherwise, all of the GINI images we have been pulling off of NOAAport
are fine.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support