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19990708: dcgrib file 1.8G
- Subject: 19990708: dcgrib file 1.8G
- Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 09:19:12 -0600
>From: Tom Priddy <address@hidden>
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199907081509.JAA28085
>From: Tom Priddy
>My dcgrib.log is 1.8G in size.....how do I reduce the size and
>keep things working?
>Tom Priddy address@hidden
>Extension Ag. Meteorologist ph: 606-257-3000ext245
>Ag. Weather Center fax: 606-257-5671
>243 Ag. Engineering Bldg
>Dept. of Biosystems and Ag. Engr.
>University of Kentucky
>Lexington, KY 40546-0276
>HOMEPAGE http://wwwagwx.ca.uky.edu
You can periodically rotate the "dc" logs so they do not grow so large.
To start, just delete the current file. You can add a crontab entry
to rotate the log nightly like:
0 17 * * * bin/newlog data/gempak/logs/dcgrib.log 2
The above entry every night at 1700 local time will move the
current dcgrib.log to dcgrib.log.1, dcgrib.log.1 to dcgrib.log.2
and remove the dcgrib.log.2 file (the 2 at the end of the newlog
command defines how many daily files to keep).
You also man be running "dcgrib" from pqact.conf using the -v
flag which causes verbose logging. You can decrease the amount of log
information by removing that flag from the invocation- at the expense of
making it harder to debug problems later if they should arise.
Steve Chiswell