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- Subject: 19990519: GEMPAK LIBRARIES for LINUX
- Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 13:53:55 -0600
The binary distribution I posted doesn't have the libraries directory-
though I could post it- it doesn't have the source tree either.
If you just need the libraries to link your code against, then there
shouldn't be any problem with your programs. I tarred these up and
placed in /gbuddy/nawips-5.4/binary/linux/gempak5.4_pl8_libraries.tar.gz.
The current gempak tar file (pl8) will build from source on Linux
as is using gcc and f2c for the fortran programs. G77 will not
work for the gempak programs since they don't like intrinsic functions
in the grmprm.prm files. Linux comes with a perl script "fort77" which
invokes f2c as if it were a fortran compiler. At any rate, if you
link your programs against the libraries I provided, you will need
to include -lf2c (or /usr/lib/libf2c.a) and -lc in your linking.
If you were to link with the libnxm.a library for the Motif interfaces
(which you only need for gui's like Garp etc), then you need Motif -lXm
which is a third party package...but you shouldn't need this if you
are just building programs using the gemlib.a and other function libs.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
On Tue, 18 May 1999, Michael C. Morgan wrote:
> Steve -
> I have recently ftp'd and installed the binaries for
> GEMPAK5.4 for a linux pc. They work well. I was wondering whether
> the libraries that were made when you compiled gempak could also
> be made available? I am interested in re(writing) some code that
> I wrote on a UNIX workstation to run on my linux workstation ,and
> having those libraries would be helpful. ( I am assuming, but by
> no means sure, that since the binaries you released work, the compiled
> libraries would as well?) I am using a version of ReDHat Linux and my
> FORTRAN compilers are either GNU project Fortran Compiler (v0.5.21)
> or the Portland Group Fortran compiler.
> Thanks,
> Michael Morgan