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Re: 19990412: External requests for AREA mapfiles
- Subject: Re: 19990412: External requests for AREA mapfiles
- Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 12:53:25 -0600
Since you have already downloaded the area files from the McIDAS
distribution, I won't tar up the pieces I distribute with the NAWIPS and
GARP distribution.
However, you might find the following information useful for the
$GEMTBL/sat and $GEMTBL/luts directories. I have attatched out
$GEMTBL/sat/imgtyp.tbl (used to define the platform number
and default color lut for the topo images), and the corresponding
color lookup tables upc_topo.tbl and upc_comp.tbl.
The upc_topo.tbl is used when the image is a basemap, and the upc_comp.tbl
is used to display the composite goes-8/9 and topo images that Tom and Don
produce here with McIDAS.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
On Mon, 12 Apr 1999, Unidata Support wrote:
> ------- Forwarded Message
> >To: <address@hidden>
> >cc: <address@hidden>
> >From: "Donald Frank" <address@hidden>
> >Subject: NAWIPS Maps
> >Organization: .
> >Keywords: 199904121438.IAA07144
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> ------=_NextPart_000_0006_01BE84C8.85B7E660
> Content-Type: text/plain;
> charset="iso-8859-1"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Hello,
> Friday night I spoke with Tom Yoksas about the possibility of getting a copy
> of the topographic maps which you have from NAWIPS. If it is possible I
> would love a copy of any background maps (topo, land-sea, etc) and any
> available enhancements for the images.
> Thanks,
> Donald R. Frank / AWC
> Donald R. Frank
> Applications Engineer
> RDC - Aviation Weather Center
> 7220 NW 101st Terrace, Room 115
> Kansas City, MO 64153-2371
> address@hidden
> (816) 584-7256
> ------=_NextPart_000_0006_01BE84C8.85B7E660
> Content-Type: text/x-vcard;
> name="Donald Frank (E-mail).vcf"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Content-Disposition: attachment;
> filename="Donald Frank (E-mail).vcf"
> N:Frank;Donald
> FN:Donald Frank (E-mail)
> ORG:Aviation Weather Center;Aviation Support Branch
> TITLE:Applications Engineer
> TEL;WORK;VOICE:(816) 548-7256
> TEL;PAGER;VOICE:(888) 928-6809
> Center=3D0D=3D0A7220 NW 101st Terrace, Room 115;Kansas C=3D
> ity;MO;64153-2371;United States of America
> Center=3D0D=3D0A7220 NW 101st Terrace, Room 115=3D0D=3D0AKansa=3D
> s City, MO 64153-2371=3D0D=3D0AUnited States of America
> EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET:address@hidden
> REV:19990405T183555Z
> ------=_NextPart_000_0006_01BE84C8.85B7E660--
> ------- End of Forwarded Message
! This table contains the minimum and maximum image pixel values
! for use in setting the colors when displaying satellite or radar images.
! A default look up table (LUT) file is also assigned per image type.
! For satellite images, the comparisons are based on the satellite ID number,
! the image type and whether the image is a "raw" image or not.
! The IMGTYP is a coded number representing the channel of the image.
! The value is equal to 2**(channel-1).
! (Do not use tabs when adding to the table.)
! ---------------------
!(20) |(8) | (6)| (6)| (6)| (6)| (6)| (14) |
! | | | | | | | |
TOPO_GOES8 IR 0 255 10 1 1 upc_comp.tbl
TOPO_GOES9 IR 0 255 10 8 1 upc_comp.tbl
TOPO IR 0 255 11 1 1 upc_topo.tbl
TOPO IR 0 255 99 1 1 upc_topo.tbl
GOES6 VIS 30 220 30 1 0 GRAY
GOES6 IR 0 255 31 128 0 ir_sab.tbl
GOES6 WV 0 255 31 512 0 watvap.tbl
GOES6 VIS 30 220 30 1 1 GRAY
GOES6 IR 0 255 31 128 1 ir_sab.tbl
GOES6 WV 0 255 31 512 1 watvap.tbl
GOES7 VISPC 0 255 32 128 0 GRAY
GOES7 VIS 30 220 32 1 0 GRAY
GOES7 IR 0 255 33 128 0 ir_sab.tbl
GOES7 WV 0 255 33 512 0 watvap.tbl
GOES7-RAW VIS 30 230 32 1 1 GRAY
GOES7-RAW IR 1280 18000 33 128 1 ir_sab.tbl
GOES7-RAW WV 0 18000 33 512 1 watvap.tbl
GOES8 VIS 30 220 70 1 0 vis_upc.tbl
GOES8 IR2 0 255 70 2 0 ir_sab.tbl
GOES8 WV 0 255 70 4 0 wv_upc.tbl
GOES8 IR 0 255 70 8 0 ir_upc.tbl
GOES8 IR 0 255 70 128 0 ir_sab.tbl
!GOES8 VIS 30 220 70 1 1 GRAY
!GOES8 IR2 0 255 70 2 1 ir_sab.tbl
!GOES8 IR 0 255 70 8 1 ir_sab.tbl
GOES8 IR 0 255 70 128 1 ir_sab.tbl
METEOSAT3 VIS 0 255 54 1 0 GRAY
METEOSAT3 IR 20 250 54 128 0 GRAY
METEOSAT3 WV 0 255 54 512 0 watvap.tbl
METEOSAT5 VIS 0 255 56 1 0 GRAY
METEOSAT5 IR 20 250 56 128 0 GRAY
METEOSAT5 WV 0 255 56 512 0 watvap.tbl
GOES9 VIS 30 220 72 1 0 vis_upc.tbl
GOES9 IR2 0 255 72 2 0 ir_sab.tbl
GOES9 WV 0 255 72 4 0 wv_upc.tbl
GOES9 IR 0 255 72 8 0 ir_upc.tbl
GOES9 IR 0 255 72 128 0 ir_sab.tbl
!GOES9 VIS 0 255 72 1 1 GRAY
!GOES9 IR2 0 255 72 2 1 ir_sab.tbl
!GOES9 IR 0 26624 72 8 1 ir_sab.tbl
!GOES9 IR 0 26624 72 128 1 ir_sab.tbl
!GOES9 WV 0 255 72 4 1 watvap.tbl
GOES9 VIS 0 30240 72 1 1 GRAY
GOES9 IR_3.9 0 30240 72 2 1 GRAY
GOES9 WV_6.7 0 30240 72 4 1 GRAY
GOES9 IR_10.7 0 30240 72 8 1 GRAY
GOES9 IR_12.0 0 30240 72 16 1 GRAY
GOES9 IR 0 30240 72 128 1 GRAY
GOES8 VIS 0 30240 70 1 1 GRAY
GOES8 WV 0 30240 70 4 1 GRAY
GOES8 IR_3.9 0 30240 70 2 1 GRAY
GOES8 IR_10.7 0 30240 70 8 1 GRAY
GOES10 VIS 30 220 74 1 0 vis_upc.tbl
GOES10 IR_3.9 0 255 74 2 0 GRAY
GOES10 WV_6.7 0 255 74 4 0 wv_upc.tbl
GOES10 IR_10.7 0 255 74 8 0 ir_upc.tbl
GOES10 IR_12.0 0 255 74 128 0 GRAY
! -----------------
! For RADAR images, the NIDS product code and operational mode of the radar are
! used to identify different radar types. The operational mode values are
! 0-maintenance, 1-clear air, 2-precip mode.
!(20) |(8) | (6)| (6)| (6)| (6)| (6)| (14) |
! | | | | | | | |
NIDS BREF 0 15 7 19 1 osf_ref16.tbl
NIDS BREF 0 15 7 19 2 osf_ref16.tbl
NIDS BREF 0 15 7 20 1 osf_ref16.tbl
NIDS BREF 0 15 7 20 2 osf_ref16.tbl
NIDS CREF 0 7 7 36 1 osf_ref8.tbl
NIDS CREF 0 7 7 36 2 osf_ref8.tbl
NIDS CREF 0 15 7 37 1 osf_ref16.tbl
NIDS CREF 0 15 7 37 2 osf_ref16.tbl
NIDS CREF 0 15 7 38 1 osf_ref16.tbl
NIDS CREF 0 15 7 38 2 osf_ref16.tbl
NIDS LREF1 0 7 7 65 1 osf_ref8.tbl
NIDS LREF1 0 7 7 65 2 osf_ref8.tbl
NIDS LREF2 0 7 7 66 1 osf_ref8.tbl
NIDS LREF2 0 7 7 66 2 osf_ref8.tbl
NIDS LREF3 0 7 7 90 1 osf_ref8.tbl
NIDS LREF3 0 7 7 90 2 osf_ref8.tbl
NIDS VEL.27 0 7 7 23 1 nids_vel8.tbl
NIDS VEL.27 0 7 7 23 2 nids_vel8.tbl
NIDS VEL.13 0 15 7 25 1 nids_vel.tbl
NIDS VEL.13 0 15 7 25 2 nids_vel.tbl
NIDS VEL.27 0 15 7 26 1 nids_vel.tbl
NIDS VEL.27 0 15 7 26 2 nids_vel.tbl
NIDS VEL 0 15 7 27 1 nids_vel.tbl
NIDS VEL 0 15 7 27 2 nids_vel.tbl
NIDS TOPS 0 15 7 41 1 nids_tops.tbl
NIDS TOPS 0 15 7 41 2 nids_tops.tbl
NIDS SRVEL 0 15 7 55 1 nids_vel.tbl
NIDS SRVEL 0 15 7 55 2 nids_vel.tbl
NIDS SRVEL 0 15 7 56 1 nids_vel.tbl
NIDS SRVEL 0 15 7 56 2 nids_vel.tbl
NIDS VIL 0 15 7 57 1 nids_vil.tbl
NIDS VIL 0 15 7 57 2 nids_vil.tbl
NIDS PRE1 0 15 7 78 1 nids_pre.tbl
NIDS PRE1 0 15 7 78 2 nids_pre.tbl
NIDS PRE3 0 15 7 79 1 nids_pre.tbl
NIDS PRE3 0 15 7 79 2 nids_pre.tbl
NIDS PRET 0 15 7 80 1 nids_pre.tbl
NIDS PRET 0 15 7 80 2 nids_pre.tbl
WSI NOWRAD MOSAIC 0 15 7 1 2 osf_ref16.tbl
WSI NOWRAD MOSAIC 0 15 7 2 2 osf_ref16.tbl
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 2
0 0 0 4
0 0 0 6
0 0 0 8
0 0 0 10
0 0 0 12
0 0 0 14
0 0 0 16
0 0 0 18
0 0 0 20
0 0 0 22
0 0 0 24
0 0 0 26
0 0 0 28
0 0 0 30
0 0 0 32
0 0 0 34
0 0 0 36
0 0 0 38
0 0 0 40
0 0 0 42
0 0 0 44
0 0 0 46
0 0 0 48
0 0 0 50
000 000 035 52
002 003 039 54
004 006 043 56
006 009 047 58
008 012 051 60
010 015 055 62
012 018 059 64
014 021 063 66
016 024 067 68
018 027 071 70
020 030 075 72
022 033 079 74
024 036 083 76
026 039 087 78
028 042 091 80
030 045 095 82
032 048 099 84
034 051 103 86
036 054 107 88
038 057 111 90
040 060 115 92
042 063 119 94
044 066 123 96
046 069 127 98
048 072 131 100
050 075 135 102
052 078 139 104
054 081 143 106
056 084 147 108
058 087 151 110
060 090 155 112
062 093 159 114
064 096 163 116
066 099 167 118
068 102 171 120
070 105 175 122
072 108 179 124
074 111 183 126
076 114 187 128
078 117 191 130
080 120 195 132
082 123 199 134
084 126 203 136
086 129 207 138
088 132 211 140
090 135 215 142
092 138 219 144
094 141 223 146
096 144 227 148
035 067 018 150
042 071 021 152
049 075 024 154
056 079 027 156
063 083 030 158
070 087 033 160
077 091 036 162
084 095 039 164
091 099 042 166
098 103 045 168
105 107 048 170
112 111 051 172
119 115 054 174
126 119 057 176
133 123 060 178
140 127 063 180
147 131 066 182
154 135 069 184
161 139 072 186
168 143 075 188
164 138 073 190
156 131 069 192
148 124 065 194
140 117 061 196
132 110 057 198
124 103 053 200
116 096 049 202
108 089 045 204
100 082 041 206
092 075 037 208
084 068 033 210
076 061 029 212
068 054 025 214
060 047 021 216
052 040 017 218
044 033 013 220
036 026 009 222
028 019 005 224
255 255 255 226
255 255 255 228
255 255 255 230
255 255 255 232
255 255 255 234
255 255 255 236
255 255 255 238
255 255 255 240
255 255 255 242
255 255 255 244
255 255 255 246
255 255 255 248
255 255 255 250
255 255 255 252
255 255 255 254
!Color name Abrev Red Green Blue X color name
000 000 000
000 000 000
000 000 000
000 000 000
000 000 000
000 000 000
000 000 000
000 000 000
000 000 000
000 000 000
000 000 000
000 000 000
000 000 000
000 000 000
000 000 000
000 000 000
002 003 039
004 006 043
006 009 047
008 012 051
010 015 055
012 018 059
014 021 063
016 024 067
018 027 071
020 030 075
022 033 079
024 036 083
026 039 087
028 042 091
030 045 095
032 048 099
034 051 103
036 054 107
038 057 111
040 060 115
042 063 119
044 066 123
046 069 127
048 072 131
050 075 135
052 078 139
054 081 143
056 084 147
058 087 151
060 090 155
062 093 159
064 096 163
066 099 167
068 102 171
070 105 175
072 108 179
074 111 183
076 114 187
078 117 191
080 120 195
014 060 002
023 064 004
032 068 006
041 072 008
050 076 010
059 080 012
068 084 014
077 088 016
086 092 018
095 096 020
104 100 022
113 104 024
122 108 026
131 112 028
140 116 030
149 120 032
158 124 034
167 128 036
176 132 038
185 136 040
194 140 042
203 144 044
212 148 046
221 152 048
230 156 050
239 160 052
248 164 054
255 168 056
255 172 058
255 176 060
255 180 062
255 184 064
255 188 066
255 192 068
255 196 070
255 200 072
255 204 074
255 208 076
043 043 043
050 050 050
057 057 057
064 064 064
071 071 071
078 078 078
085 085 085
092 092 092
099 099 099
106 106 106
113 113 113
120 120 120
127 127 127
134 134 134
141 141 141
148 148 148
155 155 155
162 162 162
169 169 169
176 176 176
183 183 183
190 190 190
197 197 197
204 204 204
211 211 211
218 218 218
225 225 225
232 232 232
239 239 239
246 246 246
253 253 253
255 255 255
255 255 255
255 255 255