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19990324: MOS data
- Subject: 19990324: MOS data
- Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 15:33:42 -0700
the most likely problem is that the www user may not have permision to
create the last.nts and gemglb.nts files in its work directory, or if
you have run the script to test it out, then maybe the ownership of the
files is by you ... preventing the web user from writing over them.
I put together a really quick test here at:
This just uses a server side include rather than cgi, but the theory
should be the same.
the www page above looks like:
<TITLE>mos test</TITLE>
<body bgcolor=ffffff>
<b>DEN mos<b>
<font color=#800000>
<!--#exec cmd="/export/dist/htdocs/staff/chiz/stations/mosupdate.csh den"-->
This page maintained by: <A HREF="/staff/chiz">
The script being executed (eg mosupdate.csh accepts the station on the command
similar to what you would pass from your cgi handler).
The script looks like:
#!/bin/csh -f
setenv PATH /bin:/usr/bin:.:/sbin:/etc:/usr/local/bin
source /home/gempak/Gemenviron
if($#argv != 1) then
echo "Usage: mosupdate.csh file"
# create a temporary work directory
set WORK=/tmp/.mostext.$$
mkdir $WORK
cd $WORK
sflist << EOF >& /dev/null
SFFILE = $GEMDATA/mos/99032412_nmos.gem
sfparm = text
out = f/mos_${1}
idntyp = stid
dattim = all
area = @${1}
cat mos_${1}
# cleanup
rm mos_${1}
rm last.nts
rm gemglb.nts
cd ..
rmdir $WORK:t
To ensure I have a directory that the www user "nobody" can write
its .nts files into, I created a working directory in /tmp using
the process id, and cleaned it up after finishing.
You can test out the pages mentioned above.
Hope this helps.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
>From: Robert Mullenax <address@hidden>
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199903242109.OAA28221
>Steve ,
>Here is the problem I am having. I have had no trouble running these type
>scripts using Bourne shell
>and McIDAS(simple text output). I am using uncgi and inputting station
>selection from the browser(
>"sta) hence $WWW_sta in uncgi terms. Here is what I try to do as cgi script
>#!/bin/csh -f
>source /export/home/gempak/NAWIPS-5.4/Gemenviron
>echo Content-type: text/plain
>echo ""
>sflist << EOF
>SFFILE = $GEMDATA/mos/99032412_nmos.gem
>AREA = @$WWW_sta
>DATTIM = all
>SFPARM = text
>IDNTYP = stid
>When running this there is no output, it just does not respond. If I switch t
> o
>Bourne shell,
>and put in the McIDAS environment and then do something like:
>mcenv << EOF
>fousrpt.k $WWW_sta
>everything works fine.
>If I run the Gempak script from the command line as seen below it works fine.
>Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>Robert Mullenax
>Script named mosgem2 run from command line:
>#!/bin/csh -f
>source /export/home/gempak/NAWIPS-5.4/Gemenviron
>set WWW_sta=FAI
>echo Content-type: text/plain
>echo ""
>sflist << EOF
>SFFILE = $GEMDATA/mos/99032412_nmos.gem
>AREA = @$WWW_sta
>DATTIM = all
>SFPARM = text
>IDNTYP = stid