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19990126: $NSAT
- Subject: 19990126: $NSAT
- Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 14:37:22 -0700
You can store the WSI nids/nowrad products directly from the LDM using
the following pqact.conf entries
# nids images
FILE data/gempak/images/radar/nids/\1/\2/\2_\4\5\6_\7\8
# 8km nowrad
FILE data/gempak/images/radar/usrad/8km/\1/\1_\3\4\5_\6\7
# 2km nowrad
FILE data/gempak/images/radar/usrad/2km/\1/\1_\3\4\5_\6\7
Using the above, SAT would be ~ldm/data/gempak/images.
For the McIDAS satellite AREA files, which are generally in a McIDAS directory,
you can run the nsat_links script in $NAWIPS/bin/scripts (installed their from
$NAWIPS/unidata/programs/scripts). The script will use the AREAinfo program
to read the satellite headers in the area files and create GEMPAK usable
names from the McIDAS name like AREA0120. You will need to edit the
nsat_links script to define where your area files are located.
The nsat_links script creates symbolic links from the McIDAS files
to the GEMPAK tree (so that you don't have to keep multiple copies
of the data around). By the way, I provided an areaInfo update
for GOES-10 at:
If you are already storing the NIDS products elsewhere, I did provide
nids_floater.csh (which calls nids_links.csh) which can be used
to maintain the symbolic links as well.
If you store the nids files directly from the LDM, the scour routine
provided with the LDM distribution will not remove old subdirectories
(GARP/NSAT create buttons for every subdirectory...even if they
are empty). So, to prune the nexrad tree, I have a recursive script
called prune_nexrad.csh:
#!/bin/csh -f
# Copyright (c)1993 UCAR/Unidata
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
# documentation for any purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided
# that the above copyright notice appear in all copies, that both that
# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
# documentation, and that the name of UCAR/Unidata not be used in
# advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
# without specific, written prior permission. UCAR makes no
# representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose.
# It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. It is
# provided with no support and without obligation on the part of UCAR or
# Unidata, to assist in its use, correction, modification, or enhancement.
setenv PATH /usr/local/ldm/utilities:/home/gempak/bin/scripts:${PATH}
set KEEP=40
if($#argv == 0) then
set areadir=/usr/local/ldm/data/gempak/nexrad
set areadir=$1
cd $areadir
set DIRS=`ls -d *`
foreach DIR ($DIRS)
if(-d $DIR) then
prune_nexrad.csh $DIR
if($status != 0) rmdir $DIR
@ IRET = 0
# scour down to $KEEP files in this leaf directory
if($NUMSUBS == 0) then
set FILES=`find . -mtime +0 -print -exec rm -f {} \;`
#if($#FILES > 0) echo removed old files $FILES
set FILES=`ls -r`
if ($#FILES > $KEEP) then
@ COUNT = $KEEP + 1
while($COUNT <= $#FILES)
@ COUNT = $COUNT + 1
set FILES=`ls`
if($#FILES == 0) @ IRET = 1
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
>From: address@hidden (Kathy Fryberger)
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199901262057.NAA19462
>From address@hidden Tue Jan 26 09:39:35 1999
>Received: from unidata.ucar.edu (laraine.unidata.ucar.edu []) by
> snow.ias.sdsmt.edu (950413.SGI.8.6.12/950213.SGI.AUTOCF) via ESMTP id JAA025
> 77 for <address@hidden>; Tue, 26 Jan 1999 09:39:34 -0700
>Received: from laraine.unidata.ucar.edu (laraine.unidata.ucar.edu [128.117.140
> .62])
> by unidata.ucar.edu (8.8.8/8.8.8) with SMTP id JAA12812;
> Tue, 26 Jan 1999 09:40:32 -0700 (MST)
>Message-Id: <address@hidden>
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199901261640.JAA12812
>To: kathyf (Kathy Fryberger)
>cc: address@hidden
>Subject: 19990126: gempak problems
>In-reply-to: Your message of "Tue, 26 Jan 1999 09:15:59 MST."
> <address@hidden>
>Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 09:40:29 -0700
>From: Unidata Support <address@hidden>
>Status: RO
>>From: address@hidden (Kathy Fryberger)
>>Organization: .
>>Keywords: 199901261617.JAA12053
>>We have two gempak problems which I am sure are totally related to
>>something I have forgotten to set up correctly. First problem: select
>>GARP, click on little left box that says 'radar and satellite', and
>>we don't get any data listed. I am told we should see some data files
>>listed by times. I am also told that we can see radar and satellite
>>data thru MCIDAS so we must be receiving it. Second problem:
>>select NWX, click on 'Data', click on 'Public Products' then click
>>on 'State Forecasts'. No matter which city I click on (on the map), it says
>>"NO DATA AVAILABLE FOR FPUS1 Kxxx". Another problem in 'Public Products' is
>>when I click on 'Local Forecasts', there are no red diamonds in North Dakota,
>>South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, and Kansas. Since we live in this
>>area we would kinda like to see these forecasts. I am sure that I have
>>configured something wrong for all these problems. Please point me in the
>>right direction to fix 'em. If you need more info, please let me know.
>>thanks!!! kathy fryberger South Dakota School of Mines etc.
>>address@hidden kathy fryberger 605-394-2291
>Garp and NSAT use the $SAT environmental variable to point to thr top
>of the directory tree of satellite and radar data, which should be stored
>in the directory structure discussed at:
>Public state forecasts are no longer issued under the header of FPUS1,
>rather, they are FPUS6[1-6]. I announced the availability of updated
>pqact.conf entries and NWX tables at:
>Local forecasts are up to the individual forecast office, and are now being
>issued under the FLUS8[1-6] headers, however, the area you mention is
>generally issuing nowcasts rather than local forecasts under the
>headers FPUS7[1-6].
>Maintaining headers for the NWS products is a moving target.
>I will be announcing updated headers for additional products in the NOAAport
>data stream soon.
>Steve Chiswell
>Thanks for the answers on the NWX text displays in gempak. Downloading the
>nwx_tables fixed those problems. I read the NSAT html and I do see that
>I am supposed to set up something so that gempak can read the AREA files
>in the mcidas data directories. I have the areaInfo binary and the scripts
>it refers to. And my $SAT pointer points to a directory structure that
>looks just like your html page. But there are no files in it. What do I
>do now? Am supposed to edit something so that the data can be found?
>Is it the scripts? And then am I supposed to run areaInfo? I looked thru
>the tutorial and didn't find any references to how to do this---I probably
>missed it. Please help! kathy fryberger South Dakota School etc.
>address@hidden kathy fryberger 605-394-2291