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[THREDDS #CMN-998109]: Problems with the 7/28/2010 12Z 2.5 degree GFS
- Subject: [THREDDS #CMN-998109]: Problems with the 7/28/2010 12Z 2.5 degree GFS
- Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 16:25:28 -0600
The problem is that the forecast hours have changed for the .5, 1, and 2.5
degree GFS grids which required changes in the pqact.threddsconduit file and
Hupping the LDM. The problem you were seeing is some of the 1 degree data was
being added into the 2.5 degree model. Here's a detailed note:
Just want to give you an update on the upcoming GFS upgrade.
Currently we plan to begin sending the upgraded GFS model output on July
28, 2010 with the 12Z cycle. This will cause 0.5 and 1.0 degree GFS data
to be sent over CONDUIT for forecast hours 183, 186, 189, and 192. GFS
2.5 degree data will no longer be sent at FH192, it will start at FH204.
Let me know if you have any questions.
pqact actions:
# GFS grids Global_onedeg
# data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfs.2006101912/gfs.t12z.pgrbanl
950! 000262
# wrong forecast time CONDUIT
CONDUIT ^data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfs\.(........)(..).*pgrbf(..|1..)\.grib2
# GFS Global_2p5 grids
# data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfs.2006101912/gfs.t12z.pgrbf384
!grib/ncep/GFS/#002/200610191200/F385/TMP/975_mb! 0000
# wrong forecast time CONDUIT
CONDUIT ^data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfs\.(........)(..).*pgrbf([2-9]..)\.grib2
I'll check 18Z data later to make sure the p
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: CMN-998109
Department: Support THREDDS
Priority: Normal
Status: Open