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[McIDAS #SJA-155956]: LDM decoder problem

Hi Hsie,

This is interesting.  While you were building netCDF and netCDF perl
in system directories, I was doing the same in under ~ldm.   The
problem I ran into was the inability to install the netCDF-perl
libraries in system directories.

I noticed that something was going on when the errors I was seeing
when trying to run ~ldm/decoders/bin/metar2nc by hand (couldn't
find NETCDF.pm in @INC) went away.

What I'm trying to figure out now is why the netCDF decoders are
still giving errors...


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: SJA-155956
Department: Support netCDF Decoders
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed