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decoding the UKMET

I’m having trouble creating a valid CDL (thus netCDF) for the UKMET.


Here’s my pqact.conf entry:


HDS     ^H..... EGRR ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])([0-5][0-9])

        FILE    /usr/local/models/(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1\2_uk.grib



When I run a simple gribtocdl 2007052212_ukmet.grb > uk.cdl command I continually get this as my dimensions in the file:



        record = UNLIMITED ;   // (reference time, forecast time)

        lat = 73 ;            // latitude

        lon = -1 ;            // longitude

        level = 12 ;           // isobaric levels

        time_len = 21 ;        // string length for datetime strings

        valtime_offset = 13 ;   // number of offset times

        nmodels = 4 ;          // number of models

        ngrids = 9 ;           // number of grids

        nav = 1 ;              // for navigation

        nav_len = 100 ;        // max string length for navigation strings


Notice lon=-1.


Further down in the data section it tells me that:

 lon =-30.00 ;


I believe lon should equal 144 but obviously something is not working.


We take this same data and run it through the gempak decoders without a problem.  Anyone have any ideas what is going on with the gribtocdl program on this grib file?  I’ve run lots of  other model data through the gribtocdl program and never had a problem such as this.


Also, the java grib decoder has issues with this as well…


[ldm@metbox4 ukmet]$ java -Xmx512m ucar.nc2.iosp.grib.Grib2Netcdf 2007052212_ukmet.grb uk_test.nc

Wed May 23 18:32:59 GMT 2007 ... Start of Grib2Netcdf

read grib file=2007052212_ukmet.grb write to netCDF file=uk_test.nc

Using default table:resources/grib/tables/wmo_2_v3.tab (74:-1:-1)

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException

        at ucar.nc2.Variable.setDimensions(Variable.java:1132)

        at ucar.nc2.NetcdfFileWriteable.addVariable(NetcdfFileWriteable.java:335)

        at ucar.nc2.FileWriter.writeToFile(FileWriter.java:158)

        at ucar.nc2.FileWriter.writeToFile(FileWriter.java:65)

        at ucar.nc2.iosp.grib.Grib2Netcdf.main(Grib2Netcdf.java:87)



Thanks for any help on this one..

