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Java and choosing a parameter table to use

Hello all,


I hope this isn’t a remedial question but I’m not a java expert and I’m stumped.


I have a grib2 file (a GFS212 40KM grid).  I have no problem converting it into a netcdf file using the following command:


java -Xmx512m ucar.nc2.iosp.grib.Grib2Netcdf 2007033006_gfs_40.grib 20070330_0600_in.nc 


I do not like how this file is parameterized (both variable names and units) and would like to change this.  I see all the different tab files available in the resources/grib/tables/ directory.  How would I go about using another tab file (or one of my own) instead of what is default by using the above command?   
I have no problems using parameter tables using “gribtonc” (with grib1 files) with the –g option.  But this has me guessing.
Thanks as always for any help!!  
Charles Ross
Bonneville Power Administration


905 NE 11th Ave.
Portland , OR 97232