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Re: New Ticket - [netCDFDecoders !ETO-976458]: problem reading grid file (fwd)

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden             WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 13:47:32 -0500
From: Wesley Ebisuzaki <address@hidden>
To: Robb Kambic <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: New Ticket - [netCDFDecoders !ETO-976458]: problem reading
   grid file (fwd)


  Table 132 is the new number for the table used by reanalysis(1 and 2).
When the processing went into operations, they wanted a new table number.
The contents didn't change. I've attached the table.


Robb Kambic wrote:

I have a person trying to decode some reanal2 files with Unidata GRIB
decoder but is having a problem of a missing table. I'm looking for a GRIB
table with center 7,  subcenter 3 and version 132. If possible, I would
like the ascii version of the table.  If you can't help, can
you point me in the direction of someone who would know.

thanks for your time,

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden             WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/

file came from:


I'm guessing it's a missing table of some sort.  I downloaded
another file from the reanalysis-1 directory (pdb.ft00.200610)
and it loaded fine.  So, maybe you don't have the reanal 2

Don Murray                               UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                        P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628                              Boulder, CO 80307

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ETO-976458
Department: Support netCDF Decoders
Priority: Normal
Status: Open

1:PRES:Pressure [Pa]
2:PRMSL:Pressure reduced to MSL [Pa]
3:PTEND:Pressure tendency [Pa/s]
6:GP:Geopotential [m^2/s^2]
7:HGT:Geopotential height [gpm]
8:DIST:Geometric height [m]
9:HSTDV:Standard deviation of height [m]
10:HVAR:Variance of height [m^2]
11:TMP:Temperature [K]
12:VTMP:Virtual temperature [K]
13:POT:Potential temperature [K]
14:EPOT:Pseudo-adiabatic potential temperature [K]
15:TMAX:Maximum temperature [K]
16:TMIN:Minimum temperature [K]
17:DPT:Dew point temperature [K]
18:DEPR:Dew point depression [K]
19:LAPR:Lapse rate [K/m]
20:VISIB:Visibility [m]
21:RDSP1:Radar spectra (1) [dimensionless]
22:RDSP2:Radar spectra (2) [dimensionless]
23:RDSP3:Radar spectra (3) [dimensionless]
25:TMPA:Temperature anomaly [K]
26:PRESA:Pressure anomaly [Pa]
27:GPA:Geopotential height anomaly [gpm]
28:WVSP1:Wave spectra (1) [dimensionless]
29:WVSP2:Wave spectra (2) [dimensionless]
30:WVSP3:Wave spectra (3) [dimensionless]
31:WDIR:Wind direction [deg]
32:WIND:Wind speed [m/s]
33:UGRD:u wind [m/s]
34:VGRD:v wind [m/s]
35:STRM:Stream function [m^2/s]
36:VPOT:Velocity potential [m^2/s]
37:MNTSF:Montgomery stream function [m^2/s^2]
38:SGCVV:Sigma coord. vertical velocity [/s]
39:VVEL:Pressure vertical velocity [Pa/s]
40:DZDT:Geometric vertical velocity [m/s]
41:ABSV:Absolute vorticity [/s]
42:ABSD:Absolute divergence [/s]
43:RELV:Relative vorticity [/s]
44:RELD:Relative divergence [/s]
45:VUCSH:Vertical u shear [/s]
46:VVCSH:Vertical v shear [/s]
47:DIRC:Direction of current [deg]
48:SPC:Speed of current [m/s]
49:UOGRD:u of current [m/s]
50:VOGRD:v of current [m/s]
51:SPFH:Specific humidity [kg/kg]
52:RH:Relative humidity [%]
53:MIXR:Humidity mixing ratio [kg/kg]
54:PWAT:Precipitable water [kg/m^2]
55:VAPP:Vapor pressure [Pa]
56:SATD:Saturation deficit [Pa]
57:EVP:Evaporation [kg/m^2]
58:CICE:Cloud Ice [kg/m^2]
59:PRATE:Precipitation rate [kg/m^2/s]
60:TSTM:Thunderstorm probability [%]
61:APCP:Total precipitation [kg/m^2]
62:NCPCP:Large scale precipitation [kg/m^2]
63:ACPCP:Convective precipitation [kg/m^2]
64:SRWEQ:Snowfall rate water equivalent [kg/m^2/s]
65:WEASD:Water equiv. of accum. snow depth [kg/m^2]
66:SNOD:Snow depth [m]
67:MIXHT:Mixed layer depth [m]
68:TTHDP:Transient thermocline depth [m]
69:MTHD:Main thermocline depth [m]
70:MTHA:Main thermocline anomaly [m]
71:TCDC:Total cloud cover [%]
72:CDCON:Convective cloud cover [%]
73:LCDC:Low level cloud cover [%]
74:MCDC:Mid level cloud cover [%]
75:HCDC:High level cloud cover [%]
76:CWAT:Cloud water [kg/m^2]
78:SNOC:Convective snow [kg/m^2]
79:SNOL:Large scale snow [kg/m^2]
80:WTMP:Water temperature [K]
81:LAND:Land-sea mask (1=land; 0=sea) [integer]
82:DSLM:Deviation of sea level from mean [m]
83:SFCR:Surface roughness [m]
84:ALBDO:Albedo [%]
85:TSOIL:Soil temperature [K]
86:SOILM:Soil moisture content [kg/m^2]
87:VEG:Vegetation [%]
88:SALTY:Salinity [kg/kg]
89:DEN:Density [kg/m^3]
90:RUNOF:Runoff [kg/m^2]
91:ICEC:Ice concentration (ice=1; no ice=0) [1/0]
92:ICETK:Ice thickness [m]
93:DICED:Direction of ice drift [deg]
94:SICED:Speed of ice drift [m/s]
95:UICE:u of ice drift [m/s]
96:VICE:v of ice drift [m/s]
97:ICEG:Ice growth rate [m/s]
98:ICED:Ice divergence [/s]
99:SNOM:Snow melt [kg/m^2]
100:HTSGW:Sig height of wind waves and swell [m]
101:WVDIR:Direction of wind waves [deg]
102:WVHGT:Significant height of wind waves [m]
103:WVPER:Mean period of wind waves [s]
104:SWDIR:Direction of swell waves [deg]
105:SWELL:Significant height of swell waves [m]
106:SWPER:Mean period of swell waves [s]
107:DIRPW:Primary wave direction [deg]
108:PERPW:Primary wave mean period [s]
109:DIRSW:Secondary wave direction [deg]
110:PERSW:Secondary wave mean period [s]
111:NSWRS:Net short wave radiation (surface) [W/m^2]
112:NLWRS:Net long wave radiation (surface) [W/m^2]
113:NSWRT:Net short wave radiation (top) [W/m^2]
114:NLWRT:Net long wave radiation (top) [W/m^2]
115:LWAVR:Long wave radiation [W/m^2]
116:SWAVR:Short wave radiation [W/m^2]
117:GRAD:Global radiation [W/m^2]
121:LHTFL:Latent heat flux [W/m^2]
122:SHTFL:Sensible heat flux [W/m^2]
123:BLYDP:Boundary layer dissipation [W/m^2]
124:UFLX:Zonal component of momentum flux [N/m^2]
125:VFLX:Meridional component of momentum flux [N/m^2]
126:WMIXE:Wind mixing energy [J]
127:IMGD:Image data [integer]
128:MSLSA:Mean sea level pressure (Std Atm) [Pa]
129:MSLMA:Mean sea level pressure (MAPS) [Pa]
130:MSLET:Mean sea level pressure (ETA model) [Pa]
131:LFTX:Surface lifted index [K]
132:4LFTX:Best (4-layer) lifted index [K]
133:KX:K index [K]
134:SX:Sweat index [K]
135:MCONV:Horizontal moisture divergence [kg/kg/s]
136:VSSH:Vertical speed shear [1/s]
137:TSLSA:3-hr pressure tendency [Pa/s]
138:BVF2:Brunt-Vaisala frequency squared [1/s^2]
139:PVMW:Potential vorticity (mass-weighted) [1/s/m]
140:CRAIN:Categorical rain (yes=1;no=0) [non-dim]
141:CFRZR:Categorical freezing rain (yes=1;no=0) [non-dim]
142:CICEP:Categorical ice pellets (yes=1;no=0) [non-dim]
143:CSNOW:Categorical snow (yes=1;no=0) [non-dim]
144:SOILW:Volumetric soil moisture content [fraction]
145:PEVPR:Potential evaporation rate [W/m^2]
146:CWORK:Cloud work function [J/Kg]
147:U-GWD:Zonal gravity wave stress [N/m^2]
148:V-GWD:Meridional gravity wave stress [N/m^2]
149:PV___:Potential vorticity [m^2/s/kg]
153:MFXDV:Moisture flux divergence [gr/gr*m/s/m]
155:GFLUX:Ground heat flux [W/m^2]
156:CIN:Convective inhibition [J/kg]
157:CAPE:Convective Available Potential Energy [J/kg]
158:TKE:Turbulent kinetic energy [J/kg]
159:CONDP:Condensation pressure of lifted parcel [Pa]
160:CSUSF:Clear sky upward solar flux [W/m^2]
161:CSDSF:Clear sky downward solar flux [W/m^2]
162:CSULF:Clear sky upward long wave flux [W/m^2]
163:CSDLF:Clear sky downward long wave flux [W/m^2]
164:CFNSF:Cloud forcing net solar flux [W/m^2]
165:CFNLF:Cloud forcing net long wave flux [W/m^2]
166:VBDSF:Visible beam downward solar flux [W/m^2]
167:VDDSF:Visible diffuse downward solar flux [W/m^2]
168:NBDSF:Near IR beam downward solar flux [W/m^2]
169:NDDSF:Near IR diffuse downward solar flux [W/m^2]
170:USTR:U wind stress [N/m^2]
171:VSTR:V wind stress [N/m^2]
172:MFLX:Momentum flux [N/m^2]
173:LMH:Mass point model surface [integer]
174:LMV:Velocity point model surface [integer]
175:SGLYR:Nearby model level [integer]
176:NLAT:Latitude [deg]
177:ELON:Longitude [deg]
178:UMAS:Mass weighted u [gm/m*K*s]
179:VMAS:Mass weighted v [gm/m*K*s]
180:XPRATE:corrected precip [Kg/m^2/s]
181:LPSX:x-gradient of log pressure [1/m]
182:LPSY:y-gradient of log pressure [1/m]
183:HGTX:x-gradient of height [m/m]
184:HGTY:y-gradient of height [m/m]
185:STDZ:Standard deviation of Geop. hgt. [m]
186:STDU:Standard deviation of zonal wind [m/s]
187:STDV:Standard deviation of meridional wind [m/s]
188:STDQ:Standard deviation of spec. hum. [gm/gm]
189:STDT:Standard deviation of temperature [K]
190:CBUW:Covariance between u and omega [m/s*Pa/s]
191:CBVW:Covariance between v and omega [m/s*Pa/s]
192:CBUQ:Covariance between u and specific hum [m/s*gm/gm]
193:CBVQ:Covariance between v and specific hum [m/s*gm/gm]
194:CBTW:Covariance between T and omega [K*Pa/s]
195:CBQW:Covariance between spec. hum and omeg [gm/gm*Pa/s]
196:CBMZW:Covariance between v and u [m^2/s^2]
197:CBTZW:Covariance between u and T [K*m/s]
198:CBTMW:Covariance between v and T [K*m/s]
199:STDRH:Standard deviation of Rel. Hum. [%]
200:SDTZ:Std dev of time tend of geop. hgt [m]
201:ICWAT:Ice-free water surface [%]
202:SDTU:Std dev of time tend of zonal wind [m/s]
203:SDTV:Std dev of time tend of merid wind [m/s]
204:DSWRF:Downward solar radiation flux [W/m^2]
205:DLWRF:Downward long wave radiation flux [W/m^2]
206:SDTQ:Std dev of time tend of spec. hum [gm/gm]
207:MSTAV:Moisture availability [%]
208:SFEXC:Exchange coefficient [kg*m/m^3/s]
209:MIXLY:Number of mixed layers next to sfc [integer]
210:SDTT:Std dev of time tend of temperature [K]
211:USWRF:Upward solar radiation flux [W/m^2]
212:ULWRF:Upward long wave radiation flux [W/m^2]
213:CDLYR:Amount of non-convective cloud [%]
214:CPRAT:Convective precipitation rate [kg/m^2/s]
215:TTDIA:Temperature tendency by all physics [K/s]
216:TTRAD:Temperature tendency by all radiation [K/s]
217:TTPHY:Temperature tendency by nonrad physics [K/s]
218:PREIX:Precipitation index [fraction]
219:TSD1D:Std dev of IR T over 1x1 deg area [K]
220:NLSGP:Natural log of surface pressure [ln(kPa)]
221:SDTRH:Std dev of time tend of rel hum [%]
222:5WAVH:5-wave geopotential height [gpm]
223:CNWAT:Plant canopy surface water [kg/m^2]
224:PLTRS:Maximum stomato plant resistance [s/m]
225:RHCLD:RH-type cloud cover [Percent]
226:BMIXL:Blackadar's mixing length scale [m]
227:AMIXL:Asymptotic mixing length scale [m]
228:PEVAP:Potential evaporation [kg/m^2]
229:SNOHF:Snow melt heat flux [W/m^2]
230:SNOEV:Snow sublimation heat flux [W/m^2]
231:MFLUX:Convective cloud mass flux [Pa/s]
232:DTRF:Downward total radiation flux [W/m^2]
233:UTRF:Upward total radiation flux [W/m^2]
234:BGRUN:Baseflow-groundwater runoff [kg/m^2]
235:SSRUN:Storm surface runoff [kg/m^2]
237:OZONE:Total column ozone concentration [Dobson]
238:SNOWC:Snow cover [%]
239:SNOT:Snow temperature [K]
240:GLCR:Permanent snow points [mask]
241:LRGHR:Large scale condensation heating rate [K/s]
242:CNVHR:Deep convective heating rate [K/s]
243:CNVMR:Deep convective moistening rate [kg/kg/s]
244:SHAHR:Shallow convective heating rate [K/s]
245:SHAMR:Shallow convective moistening rate [kg/kg/s]
246:VDFHR:Vertical diffusion heating rate [K/s]
247:VDFUA:Vertical diffusion zonal accel [m/s/s]
248:VDFVA:Vertical diffusion meridional accel [m/s/s]
249:VDFMR:Vertical diffusion moistening rate [kg/kg/s]
250:SWHR:Solar radiative heating rate [K/s]
251:LWHR:Longwave radiative heating rate [K/s]
252:CD:Drag coefficient [dimensionless]
253:FRICV:Friction velocity [m/s]
254:RI:Richardson number [dimensionless]