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[CONDUIT #NXD-544090]: Request


the $CP needs to be set by you, where the toolsUI-2.2.14.jar is located. Here 
is a shell program. replace <yourpathtoo> with your own path.

#/bin/csh -f

set CP="<yourpathtoo>toolsUI-2.2.14.jar"

echo "java -classpath $CP ucar.nc2.ui.ToolsUI"

java -Xmx512m -classpath $CP ucar.nc2.ui.ToolsUI

also the Grib2Netcdf can replace the ToolsUI by

java -Xmx512m -classpath $CP ucar.nc2.iosp.grib.Grib2Netcdf INPUT OUTPUT.NC

Don't forget to add the INPUT grib file and OUTPUT.NC names.


Ticket Details
Ticket ID: NXD-544090
Department: Support netCDF Decoders
Priority: Normal
Status: Open